Frag Lovers and Scent heads! (Cologne and perfumes) đŸ„°

Wore the sample for ‘Violet Sapphire’ today from Boadicea the Victorious, and man! What a beautiful floral scent. It seems very similar to Xerjoff’s ‘Erba Pura’, but with a niche twist with the smell of oud as well. This oud is a very nice, smooth and beautiful oud, not animalic like some of the other oud fragrances out there.The projection is beastly, and so is the sillage and longevity. It’s not linear/2d like Erba Pura though. It opens wit a rasberry and other fruity smells (Says “Passionfruit”, but I don’t know what Passionfruit smells like from memory lol) mixed wit florals. Then dries down with florals, and a lil oud, to my nose.

This is marketed towards women I think, but I find it very unisex. Actually, I would say it’s 65/45 % feminine/masculine leaning, but today others said they didn’t agree wit me. Two girls kept sayin I smelt soooo good lol, and like kept sayin that mixed wit other compliments too bout my looks. lol (I founded out they’re spiritual, into meditation and energy work and prolly will go shroomin wit them while bar hoppin this Sat lol) They said it doesn’t smell feminine not even in the slightest. And this girl, Krystal said if she smelt it on me at the bar, she would approach me lol. Anyways, I love this scent. Smells great. Great contender for the “God of Fire” from Stephane Humbert Lucas 777 as well, which I have a version of from Dua.


I love Boadicea The Victorious’ ‘Violet Sapphire’ so much, that I had bought Dua’s inspiration of it. Was costly kinda, but still cheap af considering the OG is waaay more expensive. Well, I actually found a bottle for cheap on Mercari. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :+1: Dua has a high oil concentration as well. This girl told me that it’s a very accurate clone, so can’t wait to try it!! I’m also had went out this morning, sprayed it 3 times from the tiny atomizer, and hours later I could still get solid whiffs of it. I love it! Bout to go out again and it’s still kickin like Jet Li


I recently asked someone about his perfume. When I’m really curious, I don’t hesitate to ask. Ombre Nomade Louis Vuitton
 the man was a walking forest. It had a spread that I will never forget. I immediately looked at the price and it was $400. But it was a truly wonderful winter scent. When I reach financial freedom, I will definitely use this


I have smelt this DNA, and it’s a beautiful and unique scent. The oud in it is strong, and of high quality. The rasberry is blended very nice as well. It leans masculine. But the only thing is I don’t find this fragrance versatile at all, and more suited for formal events, special occasions, and cooler weather.

@GoodBoy33 But if ya already splurged on Imagination, why not get his cousin too? :smile:


I was stole them from my aunt’s shop


I went to an amazing shop in the H (He said it’s the only one in Houston with BDK and other niche brands) and got to try out soo many awesome niche frags. :heart: :pray: :partying_face: :heart_eyes: The Mind Games Chess Piece set were my favorite, but so many were good lol. The guy was so nice (I think he was gay though lol) cuz he let me spray all that I wanted. I was in Heaven. No tester strips unfortunately, so I didn’t get to try them all. I also got some scents mixed up, which sucked. I loved Gambit, En Prise and Double Attack from Mindgames. There was another one as well but I got confused cuz was runnin outta spots on my body :smile: If ya’ll ever in the "H’', hit up “Kuhl Linscomb”. Although I was surprised as there were no Bodicea the Victorious frags there

I want almost all of the Mind Game ones. Some smelt meh though lol

Nasomotto’s ‘Pardon’ and ‘Black Afgano’ were just ‘okay’ to me lol


I enjoy reading your thread
@This_Boy_Here .

I always found it interesting how scent can smell so different on different people.
When I worked my former co-worker of many years and casual friend Gerri (female) used to wear different scents to work. If I liked the scent I would ask its name. (Also if I couldnt stand the scent, I would ask its name too, lol I’m looking at u Dior’s “Poison” or was it YSL’s “Opium”) Well one time based on how she smelled plus someone else I knew who also wore it I purchased Lancome “Tresor” in a store. Unfortunately, on me it didnt smell the same. Maybe its becasue I have oily skin and sweat a lot, I disliked it, too “stinky” on me, lol. I learned my lesson.

The strongest scent I ever purchased and loved was called “Cinnabar” by Estee Lauder. It was a late fall/winter and evening/nighttime (get) dressed up scent. I still have 3 drops of the perfume left in a small glass bottle. It was considered a spicy oriental fragrance. Apparently they bought it back and people who had the original say its NOT the same.
Others I have loved besides “Cinnabar”:

“Norell”- launched in 1968 - “The first fragrance by an American designer” (Of course thats not why I bought it) I bought my bottle in the 1980’s. Apparently they bought it back CHANGED in 2015. Found this on a search: Norell New York Perfume Review
I still have some of the original left.

Ralph Lauren’s original “Lauren” introduced in 1978 -alas my large bottle gone years ago and its no longer made.

Now since I’m older I mostly wear lighter scents like
Elizabeth Arden’s original “Green Tea” -its a shame it doesnt last longer when u apply it
Elizabeth Arden’s original “Sunflowers” -ditto
Bright, cheery and energizing.

And it all started for me with
Loves Lemon scent from 1969 and they also made a “Rain” scent that I had in gel form.

My mom used to wear for occasions Elizabeth Arden’s “Blue Grass”, but her favorite for daily use was “Jean Nate” after bath splash, which we would take turns buying for her in the 32 oz. sized refill bottle for Christmas. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

But the best scent my mom had, was just her normal scent. She was the freshest smelling person I ever hugged, IDk how she did it. :heartbeat: I think it was just her goodness coming out of her pores (plus she barely sweat, lol).


I’m glad you enjoy reading this thread @SilverZuzu. :slightly_smiling_face: Thanks for sharin haha. You wanna know what’s funny? There’s a random bottle of Lancome ‘Tresor’ in the restroom where I stay at. I think my aunt maybe left it over here when she visited some time ago, cuz I have no idea why it’s in one of the cabinets. I hardly talk to her much anymore, but I keep forgettin to ask her. I am smellin it now and it’s not bad, but I am not too crazy bout this scent. :smile: Yeah, that’s entirely true. Frags smell different on different people. Due to how they transform and mix with our natural body chemistry, pheromones and etc.

This part had me dead :laughing:

I loved how you described the fragrances you own as well. I have never smelt any of them though, besides Lancome “Tresor”. lol Who is “Green Tea” made by? If you like bright Tea scents, “Nishane’s Wulong Cha” is a wonderful tea scent. It does smell very similar to Xerjoff’s Renaissance, prolly why I love it :smile: I love Bright freshies. They’re the ones that usually garner me the most unsolicited compliments, but I love the ones wit a HUGE as scent trail that I can smell as I walk. lol I LOVE IT

I wish I knew what the others smelled like from the names you had mentioned. I also think I will take a break for the time being from fragrances. I realize, it’s really addictin, and costly lol. Plus I am already loaded to the gills and haven’t even worn all the ones that I have. :smile: I am like Beavis after he’s had too many cups of coffee and wants more and more TP
 (I love Beavis and Butt-head) :smile: And tbh, no matter how hard I try, I will never be able to have them all. It’s like Pokeman cards. It will never happen. I just wish I had some kinda radar that could weave out the shitty ones and keep the good ones :smile: Especially wit all these Youtube channels hypin frags up and then when I smell them I am like “Booo!” lol Sometimes I agree wit them though, but several times I was not impressed. “Chanel’s Allure Homme Sport” was supposed to be this almighty sexy scent. So many women, men, even people who have smelt it on me praise it as being so great but to me it smells bland and 2d, and linear. Somethin maybe even an air freshener can smell like. Some frags can be linear and still be great. Just because of how wonderful the DNA is. CAHS is not one of them. But I dunno, I have not worn it in awhile so maybe it’s macerated and now it smells better
 Ima try it out this week. You know, many fragrances morph into somethin even more beautiful during maceration. Some remain meh. lol

I have never smelt “Lauren” form Ralph Lauren, but I did have one I wore in the 8th grade I think. It was a very sexy and versatile Freshie. Very addictive smell. It was called “Romance Silver” from the Romance line of Ralph Lauren.


I forgot I never posted it, but that’s very un “Goodboy” of you :laughing: (Sorry for my bad joke) But I busted out laughin when I thought that when you had posted it. My older cuz was a bad influence on me as a kid. Bro, as a kid I used to 5-finger discount everything. I remember stealin toys from KB Toy stores. Predator, Baseball cards, Marvel cards, X-men, Aliens, games and etc. Shit you name it, I stoled it :laughing:.


I added more info on the fragrances to my original post


Really naughty boy. hahaha😁It’s so fun to remember the mischief in childhoodđŸ€Ș


 well, ‘stealing’ was honestly prolly the least naughtiest thing I did as a kid lol. But yeah, I caused my mom as much stress as she did me haha. Also bro, I tried Kilian’s, ‘Black Phantom’ on skin and wow! I love it better than Killian’s, “Angel Share” I think. It’s my first ever gourmand I ever worn
Usually I’m not into gourmands. Ima try and get around reviewin it later. But it smells soo amazing! :smile:


A really popular fragrance, but been enjoying jpg le male le perfum recently in the colder weather


An interesting detail I noticed about scents (or maybe something everyone knows but I just discovered):crazy_face: is that advertisements for scents with different emotional effects evoke exactly the same feeling. In other words, the emotional effect of the scent on the brain is the same as the emotional impact of the commercial. I am very curious about the people who can reflect the feeling reflected by the scents to those advertisements, really good job


Don’t judge me @Xavi , but I still needa to get my nose on it. :smile: Last couple of years my mind has been just on gettin my nose on mainly unknown niche scents amongst the frag com(Not to mention I was incarcerated for 15 years lol), so i overlooked alot of the one’s that are considered great and more hyped. That is why I am only gettin round to “Angel Share” and “Black Phantom” now

Somethin to think bout bro is
 Yeah, it’s popular to people who actually are into ‘fragrances’ and who actually wear them them consistently. But how much of the general population, actually uses fragrances like we do? lol 99% of the time, when I go out, I do not smell anything on anyone. And that’s including bars and clubs
 Would be nice if more people wore stuff, but they don’t. :man_shrugging:

*I got a decant of ‘Summer Hammer’ from Lorenzo Pazzaglia on the way. I been wantin to try out this new Niche house so bad


It’s a nice fragrance but it’s one of those fragrances that smells quite artificial so I now spray it as far from my nose as I can lol

True, not many people are informed on fragrances and don’t really distinguish when to wear what.

I think I might order some samples of a few i’d want to test out like Initio side effect

I think that’s a good way to imagine it, for fragrances I noticed they like to advertise the scent like some story so that scent makes you think of a certain scenario


Btw have you tried chanel allure homme sport eau extreme?
Many people mentioned it’s got problems with performance but with this French perfumery I think it’s quite normal for the fragrance to not last as long


Can I ask you a question? Have you ever gotten that feeling from that smell ?


Never smelt so can’t say but I really like fresh fragrances and this one seems to be one of those which are up there in terms of getting compliments.


Yeah, or what kind person who would wear the scent. Or what occasion or season.

I know some people have have like a bottle but don’t even use them lol. Tbh, I think most people either just don’t care bout how they smell, or just aren’t into smells all that much.

I heard of lots of positive things bout this scent bro, but for some reason I just felt like it’ll be another underwhelmin letdown for ya boy :smile: I dunno though
 Lately I been having really good luck. I LOVE ‘Violet Sapphire’ DNA from Boadicea The Victorious, and Angel share and Black Phantom were also very lovely to me as well. I even seen a bunch of reviews of women sayin they didn’t like the smell of Black Phantom on paper lol, but I don’t give two shits. I still love it lol. I ended up buyin Alexandria’s version of it, which I heard many many good things about. Most of their inspirations are dead-on, but with better performance than the originals
 Nowadays, even some niche houses like “Creed” are startin to water their shit down. Such a shame.

Bro! Initio’s got many many wonderful bangers, and this is one of them. I actually like them a lil more than their sister brand, “Parfum’s De Marley”. It’s actually a bad idea to start smellin them at the mall :sweat_smile:. They have so many good ones like “Mind Games” Niche house and I be stuck their all day lmao
 I love “Narcotic’s Delight” and the new “Oud for Greatness” flanker Neo version. (Although it was not what I expected but is very good. It veers from the original OfG Dna. A fresher take of the original. Nothin groundbreakin, but nonetheless very pleasin)