FREE! Creating Blessed Path Items

Thank you


Thanks, Beltloop!


That confirms it
All items in rose’s house are made of roses


Can all those be made? To give everyone if they work good.


Thank you

  1. Wait, can I do any number of items?
  2. Can I imbue cash? (which will get in the hands of many different people)
  3. Items in my house (for my family members)?
  4. Clothing I’m about to give away?
  5. Can I do this?
  1. Also, after I place the picture here, can I afterwards take it down (after it’s been imbued)? In how much time?
  2. Is it ok if it sits near electronics (thinking of a phone case)?
  3. Honestly, I’m even thinking of doing an item / items for my workplace (like in meeting rooms) <3 (?)

Also questions from here, for I am good at questioning. Thank you in advance. :slight_smile:


Thank you :pray:t2:


I believe field like this would transmute the energies of the phone into positive emanations if placed next to it.


So I’m thinking… I’m always having this thing around – and if the energy is too intense, I can remove the cover.

My concern is either for the phone’s electronics, or the field not working properly due to electronics.
And another concern is that I’ve gotten phone covers in order to be able to place NFT pictures inside. Do you reckon it might have a negative impact on either, if placed under the cover?

But… it should have the same positive emanations / environmental effects as any other item, such as a pebble, bracelet, etc.?

Uhhh… I’m trying my luck and taking advantage of you a little bit with the questioning.
I hope you don’t mind? :slight_smile:

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Wait this is the whole NFT for free or some parts of it or temporary energy?


Hmmm, I do not know, but I keep NFT images stacked and they still work. So this should be no different. Other users on the forum agree.

I have not had my phone not work because of my stack of NFT which is in a wallet case on top of it.


Just a thought i had?

IF this field could be made onto items, then why would cap make it public if u can just get it for free?

surly their is a down side to this? no?


yeah I thought that too

I am not complaining btw. If it have cosmic intercession I would like to have that as a field, seems very useful and will go well with Saint Michael NFT

plus destroying an agenda I do not know of


Thank you for your service. I would like to try it on my watch.

I would like to be able to the imprint myself if I buy the NFT. Where can I learn the skill?


Mainly I’d like to embed it in this object:

Thanks. :heart_decoration:


I would like to receive energy healing and thank you for your generosity and free service.

Also, I would like to embed my watch with the energy:



You’re all welcome and thank you for being a part of this.

I’ll be going through this thread for all the items within the next 2 hours.

If I heart your post with a picture it means I’ve made the item as requested. If you also asked for energy healing I’ll be going through a list of you guys towards the end of my day when I heal myself and those close to me.


I would like to receive energy healing - thank you @Beltloop!


I would really appreciate the energy healing, thank you :slight_smile:


I woke up in the middle of the night, feeling a little pain in my right axillary. It’s been a while since I’m suspicious of this area. But the doctors don’t do anything when they can’t see any visible trace of cancer. And unfortunately, I don’t have access to my medicines.
I felt devastated last night. I told myself I can’t lose another part of my body. Then I visited the forum in the middle of the night. I even didn’t check each section of the forum. I rarely read the new threads and posts. But this time I directly came to see Beltloop’s post. It was as if he had created this thread for me. So many thanks to him for not wasting a minute and creating an item for me. I felt the energy after 20 minutes. I still have pain and I’m worried. Not sure what may happen next. But I’m happy that I received help at the time that I needed it. Thank you Beltloop. :heart: