Friday nfts

Truth bombs are kinda depressing :thinking:

May we know what are the last few, please?


I’m not sure they are coming this week

I think he meant that he’ll make them at the end of this week and release them later

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Which NFTS are being released tomorrow?


which releases are ready?

I will try to finish 3 this week.
This time, i let you suggest as some have been waiting of course.
Then i shall start sorting them and working it out.

All long as your team members are ready
Let me know

Caveat, I dont really have a point of contact in spring again.
They have switched around point of contact a few times rencently
So i am not really sure whom i am working with, and can only assume it is because they do not really want to work with me.
(I give them too much to do probably)
Only spring mints the audio with the nft.
I cannot do it with solana
(at least yet)

I would like to mint these on the sapien shop and password protect the page

If you want an audio, not sure how that will work out, I can send you a link for an audio
as i have done before, but I cant really mint it together with the image.


Can you upload the audio to somewhere realible. Because somtimes the OG audio file ends up losing its quality


Sent PM

You give them a lot of exposure to NFT, if it wasn’t for you how would they have entered the NFT space so successfully, they’ll brag about your record sales, invite other creators of join for that purpose alone cause you know they are the best. At least that’s what they’ll say, the numbers would be able to back up their claim.

I suppose things do come to an end, either way…

There’s a saying…

“Go where you’re treated best”

The solana mints have been so smooth, its a no-brainer. The password protected addition is just the solution we need to keep outsiders from taking drops.

Get more control of your business man, release them on sapien shop, less hassle and more control. Ain’t no one gonna stop you.

The audios have always been shared with members who buy the NFTs, so it don’t really matter if it’s not minted with the drop.


@music @veh @Gnosticmedic27



The divine martial arts group is ready captain

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Where is adonis’s people?

Okay great, will check these out.


what’s this nft about?

Hey Captain, wrote you a DM
Limitless, Polyglot and Short Sleeper are ready

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Thank you so much! :star_struck::heart:

The Unicorns and Dragons projects are both ready! :unicorn: :dragon:

No audio, just mandalas for both.


@veh our project was also ready…thank you Captain!


Hi Captain, please consider our Healer Counselor group project.