Friday nfts

Oh…Did you tap into my thoughts yesterday, @Dreamweaver ? I was thinking that maybe Captain should think about ending NFTs since they are starting to become similar with overlapping ideas. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the ones that you were able to create. Apologies from me and on behalf of other project leaders if we caused you and @SammyG angst in any way during any NFT creations. We have MORE THAN ENOUGH of your creations to help us on this plane and beyond.

We love you, guys! :gift_heart:


Thanks for everything!!!


Yes, we have so many Blessed Gifts, Captain! Thank You for helping us to heal.
I am forever grateful! :gift_heart:


Can you send me a pm? Your profile is hidden.

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@mauvaisgars You can still send people with hidden profiles a message.

Go to your own Profile, go to ‘Invites’, switch that to ‘Messages’ and choose ‘New message’. From there you can @ him.


I’d like to express my heartfelt gratitude, appreciation and love for everything you’ve done for us and everything that you continue to do for us @Dreamweaver.

I will always remember the era of Community Projects with immense joy and happiness, of great learning and insight and of fond memories and friends made.

Thank you for everything.



A big thanks to Captain for all the incredible work.


Thank you very much for everything you have done. I believe, it opens the door for the future with many more opportunities and possibilities. I’m sure, you have found a whole lot new approaches to create the fields for future. And the collective consciousness of the community has leaped to a whole new dimension, which will certainly help us in the future. The many ideas from the pool of diverse background of people have honed our creativity, that’s for sure.


Thank you Captain for such a wonderful service.


@Ugninis PM me when you get a chance. I have a very unique idea maybe you and your crew can expound on as well.


Hey Captain,

You will go down in history for all your efforts, but what matters more to me is that I express my everlasting gratitude for your work done publicly and for those of us who needed it most in private.

I ask the universe to bestow upon me the wisdom to forever appreciate all that you have done and keep doing for this very community you’ve worked so dilligently towards in creating as well as maintaing for posterity.

We are always here for you man, and it’s safe to say your feelings with these projects may even a bigger boon for prosperity for all of us, who may not see it this way yet, or value such decisions.

As always, you have my heart and love for all that you do.

Danke für alles



I echo everyone’s thankful sentiments. My life has changed for the better thanks to your work.




From class to mass to crass. The life cycle of any great movement. The Public NFT era belongs to history. One day history may repeat itself, but our memory of this time will have to suffice for the time being.

This was an enormous achievement by the @Dreamweaver, @SammyG, the group leaders and other people in so many groups. Over 100 unique creations. That’s amazing. Gratitude doesn’t capture the feeling. Stunned is more like it.

We participated and are witnesses. Our sense of the possible expanded so much that we not who we were when this phase started. The whole experience has been a meta-NFT in dissolving of subconscious limits. It makes sense that some later NFTs invoked superheroes or accessing knowledge across dimensions. We are still people with problems—jobs, relationships, physical ailments, mental disorders, etc—but we now know that we are more.

As Morpheus put it:

Thanks to everyone, especially to @Dreamweaver, @SammyG, and @Dr_Manhattan for helping me make that start.


This can be a good thing right then he can spend more time making his NFTs for the sapien store which are like 10 times better like the eternal and so on


Sorry that the guidelines weren’t followed.
Thanks though for giving us the chance and for your service.


everybody shoulda listened but nah :joy: they wanted like 7 fields already made by dream in one sub-field option


Dream, thank you so much for allowing us to create these projects! It truly was a lot of fun and we have special gifts from you for the rest of our lives! I knew it couldn’t last forever lol

If you explain how we could better follow the guidelines, I’m sure we all could adjust. Sorry if they were too out of line

@Dreamweaver If you could, please allow the Singing NFT submitted by @music to be one of the last few :pray: My heart truly yearns to sing, alongside the power of your magic!! I love you always regardless :hearts: :hearts:


Kaala Bhairava group is ready to go if we’re able to sneak in as well

No worries if not, thanks for everything boss


Sounds like something I was about to start before it ended lol