This is brilliant. Imagine taking these, doing some testing that shows demonstrable productivity enhancements in an average office setting, then using the results as a selling point to Big Business.
How much you think Apple or Google would pay per mousepad to make their workforce do more work in less time?
Maybe because we’d better make damn well sure we don’t let it happen again. It could happen to any group of people, Ethnic, Financial class, Religious group etc. It could happen to anyone if we don’t have an attitude that says we will all die before letting it happen again.
Back when it did happen, right before it happened, the entire world had gotten this idea that the ages of human atrocities were over and done with because now we had cars and telephones.
Hitler behaved the best he could? Lol! I don’t think so. This should all be moved to some other thread than “Fun energy item ideas” now. I’ll resign from this conversation if and until then.