'Garlic has a terrible effect on the brain and brainwaves'

Garlic is the best thing ever.

Brain Body and Soul.

Everything opens up and you look and become ageless.

Boogez Approved.

Eat more meat too iron deficiency is no joke


Thank you, I am now relieved.
I’ll go munch on a clove.

As for meat - I just don’t like it tbh
The texture is just off and it makes me so tired and sleepy
I drink bone broth though and take iron supplements


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Horses for courses lol

But in all seriousness, don’t believe every fanatical person you see across the internet.

It’s all BS at the end of the day science or not.

Just do you.


Me, trying to laugh at the meme with a chemical formula, while never being to chemistry classes ever


Garlic has been mentioned before on this forum and apparently there are some spiritual people who do avoid it. Clickety click!

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This is the comment I was referring to
However he gave zero explanation sooo

Here is something I found guys

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Yes, zero explanation. I shared the link just to show that people “in the know” are aware of the claim and not one outright disputed it. I found this pretty intestresting:

Garlic has been regarded as a force for both good and evil. According to Cassell’s Dictionary of Superstitions, there is an Islamic myth that considers that after Satan left the Garden of Eden, garlic arose in his left footprint and onion in the right. In Europe, many cultures have used garlic for protection or white magic, perhaps owing to its reputation as a potent preventative medicine. Central European folk beliefs considered garlic a powerful ward against demons, werewolves, and vampires. To ward off vampires, garlic could be worn, hung in windows, or rubbed on chimneys and keyholes.

In both Hinduism and Jainism, garlic is considered to stimulate and warm the body and to increase one’s desires. Some devout Hindus generally avoid using garlic and the related onion in the preparation of foods for religious festivities and events. Followers of the Jain religion avoid eating garlic and onion on a daily basis.

A belief among some Hindus is that when Devas and Asuras fought for nectar during churning of the ocean of milk (Samudramathan) in the other world, two Asuras were able to get access to nectar and had some quantity in their mouths in stealthy ways. Knowing the Asuras’ foul play the God cuffed the heads of those Asuras before they could swallow it and as a result nectar fell down on the earth from their mouths in drops which later grew as garlic; that is why the vegetable has such wonderful medicinal properties.

In some Buddhist traditions, garlic - along with the other five “pungent spices” - is understood to stimulate sexual and aggressive drives to the detriment of meditation practice.


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Its safe to eat i think.
Probably better than all this crappy food around everywhere, watch around for chinas garlic tho
And i guess moderation also comes in handy too.
Its not like you will eat it all year and and probably 1-2 cloves daily.


If you’re someone who lives an average life then it’s not a problem since it has many health benefit but if you’re someone who is into meditation, developing psychic abilities then stay away from it. There are many spiritual teachers who avoids it and in yogic culture it’s a common practice to avoid things like garlic, onion, meat, coffee and some other stuff. And I personally avoid it since it affects my on mental state and meditation overall and reduces my energy sensitivity. And avoiding some food can allow to access higher state of consciousness easily and allows you to go much deeper in brainwave state during meditation. The difference is very noticeable. Garlic is one of those ig even tho it can be beneficial for body. And from my experience it does affect the brain In an unpleasant way. The difference is quite noticable since I avoid it entirely so when I eat anything that has garlic I can feel it instantly. Although there’s no scientific evidence but at the same time there’s also no scientific evidence of spirituality and psychic abilities as well. But that doesn’t mean it’s not real since all the fields are based on psychic phenomena to begin with. If science cannot prove something they will just label it as bs. That’s how science works in many causes. But either way it’s not anything harmful overall. However, if you wanna reach at the highest pinnacle of spirituality then you also need to be picky about what you eat since you are what you eat in a sense and your food affects your entire being.


It feels self-imposed and is a lesser truth
So I guess I received my answers
Thank you

I mean there is something bigger than the garlic, sulfur, brain states, yk
One only needs to tap into it
We are all a part of it already
Eating garlic or not
Garlic is a part of it too
Me and garlic
Are the same thing
Actually there is no garlic or me
Only oneness

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In some practices (Tantric ones) don’t these tantrics/yoggis eat and drink and/or f*** (ceremonially/ritualistically), since they believe everything is one (I forgot the yogic/hindu term) and (in some ways), everything is alright (? - something like this, I read these things from wikipedia and from other articles and I watched some documentaries, so I’m not an expert), since the Divine/Absolute can be reached/realized through many/all paths/ways (?)…

I can confirm about the part with garlic being put/left at windows (I’m from Romania), although, perhaps the majority of folks don’t do these things anymore.

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Haha I heard Romanians love garlic, I should keep in my pockets right?

Want to learn Romanian too :)

Nah Garlic helps me keep the succubus away, I think I’m good.

F off negative entities. Salt too before bed.


I needed to hear this so much
Thank you :white_heart:
I’ll go and do whatever now without guilt
I just feel good
Tysm brother


I don’t know about that part.

That’s awesome, although I’m afraid there aren’t as many resources as in the case of (let’s say) Spanish or French; still, it’s doable.

Agree. F*** 'em!

Glad to be of help, brother.


RomanianPod101 is a great one, there is always resources just have to look : )

Yeah but for offline I wish there were more Romanians where I live though.

My fav is când o A bunica fată mare.


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sister :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Unless people quote with some research article you don’t have to believe anything anyone says. Also, not everyone gets the same level of results from the fields and NFTs here, so keep a salt jar nearby.


Please elaborate, I didn’t get that :point_right::point_left: