Gerd - Reflux

I had the same issue for for a while now and I almost gave up but thankfully I can now say that it is reduced to the point where I can’t feel lit if not completely gone. some things I did is I give myself an hour or more before I sleep, if I eat something no matter how small, I don’t lay down for half an hour to an hour for my stomach to fully digest the food, just these 2 steps minimized it by a lot. As far fields go, I used the following, all are free but smart stem cell:

  1. Stomach and Intestinal Ulcers healing- I felt this one directly helping with the issue, 3 times or more if you feel like it
  2. Intestine healing- Helped a little, your mileage could be different but try and see
  3. Smart stem cells- I honestly believe this helped me the most out of all the fields, as there is no field that can directly heal the valve if it is damaged but the smart stem cell can.
  4. Iron-gullet- I played it when it got too painful and it usually goes away if I play it for half an hour or so.