Getting into the State of "Thinking and Feeling BIG"

Hi Everyone,

what are your best tips for fields, but also personal best practices on how to think really BIG and getting into the State of Thinking and Feeling BIG?

I mean the mental and emotional state of focussing on the BIG life changing stuff only and getting rid off and decluttering all the distractions and coping mechanisms of a “mediocrity mindset”…

What I am looking for is not to be confused with the State of “Feeling Powerful”, but more like a feeling of going way beyond the effects of Subconscious Limits Removal.

Subconscious Limits Removal kind of aims to bring you from -10 (full of perceived limitations) to 0 (no limitations), but then one can also go further and beyond from 0 to +10 (thinking BIG only in all cases).

Let’s brainstorm for the best fields and ideas to get into this particular state.

Thanks in advance!


In terms of creating/achieving goals?

My personal favourites

  • The Zealot of Positive Change
  • The Hand of Glory
  • Ego Dissolution
  • Devil Reversed
  • Edit. - Shen Yang!!!
    Also hepful
  • Confidence
  • Abundance mindset


  • even tough feeling powerful is not the end of all means, it certainly provides the needed basis for somebody to even think of thinking and feeling Big. Meditation or workout work good for me in that regards

  • feeling deserving of it in the first place so every practice or field regarding self love ( JAAJ's Daily Self Love Stack 🤍)

  • Tapping into that feeling actively. Meditation, dancing,art, whatever channel you use to put yourself in the state of creating


The Unbreakable and Knight/Warrior mindset + the list above


While I have no personal experience with The Unbreakable and Knight/Warrior mindset, I feel like these are more aimed at feeling confident and being confident.
Which is not the same as thinking BIG.
For example people can feel very confident within their own small world, but still not think really big.
But then on the other hand, the “solution finding” part of Unbreakable could totally support that Thinking Big mindset.

These ones definitely help with Thinking and Feeling Bigger.

For this to apply here, I think one would need to first to define in one’s subconscious mind, that “positive change” equals “change to BIG”? Otherwise “positive” could mean anything that the person might perceive as positive, but this does not necessarily mean that positive means BIG… :thinking:

This looks interesting. I yet have to study this one.


From my perspective, when we’re not in the state of of thinking and being BIG, that’s a sign that we have more clearing and healing to do, because (in my model of the world) we ARE already BIG. Since BIG is who we already are, when we’re not in that state, that just means we’re (for whatever our individual reasons) holding ourselves apart from who we already are.

In my model of the world, we need to address our holdings-apart in a 3-step fashion. You touched on Step 1 in your OP–remove the limitations that we’ve adopted (for our own individual good reasons) along our paths to here, where we are now. SLR is one tool which we have to help us remove those limitations.

Step 2 is healing. We don’t take on our limitations “just cuz.” And we certainly aren’t being stupid when we adopt our limitations. Instead, those limitations were the best decisions that we could make at that time in our lives knowing what we knew at that time in our lives. And generally, we were bullied (even by well-meaning folks) into adopting our limitations. IOW, there’s stuff that wants (and needs) to be healed there.

SLR pulls the thorn out of our foot, so we can continue to take our journey. We could even say it cleans out the wound in our foot, too. But we still have our wound (and it may be a BIG wound or it might be in an critical place) in our “foot.” So, we’re going to want to heal our respective individual wounds. (FWIW, this is the piece that it seems to a lot of forum friends want to skip over.) Fortunately, we’re blessed to have many fields for this, depending on what our individual, personal wounds are.

Step 3 might be called reprogramming. Reprogramming reminds us of who we already ARE. It’s a re-education or reintroduction process. Going back to my thorn-in-foot metaphor, because we had a thorn/wound-in-our-foot, we had chosen our path to accommodate our prior abilities. But our previously-chosen path might not have been the most direct or even the most satisfying path for us. It was, instead, simply the path that we had been able to do. Reprogramming enables us to consider other paths.

I think of reprogramming in two levels. We have topic-specific reprogramming (the Abundance fields, I think there’s a field for social skills, the Self-Love for sure, even Conceptual Realizations) and broader-perspective reprogramming (LVG, Divine Will, the Holy Alchemical Light fields, Angelic as well as Homam fields).


Are you talking about all areas of your life, or are you thinking about one in particular? What does big mean to you?


With “BIG” I was thinking about the desire and mindset to upgrade all areas of life:

Thinking small:

Being okay and settling down with a mediocre income, mediocre partner, mediocre body, mediocre sex life, mediocre fashion style, mediocre car and house, mediocre vacations, mediocre everything…

Thinking Big:

Striving for a suberb income, suberb partner, suberb body, suberb sex life, suberb fashion style, suberb car and house, suberb vacations, suberb circle of likeminded friends, suberb stuff to do, super cool and most awesome everything…


It sounds like you’re looking for an expansive state and unstoppable motivation.

Might I suggest Woven Worlds Millions. Incredible for motivation. Also, I don’t have this one yet but I think the Middle Ground would actually be helpful because based on the reviews, it seems to lift general limitation in the minds of those who listen.


I will definitely look into Woven Worlds Millions sooner or later.

I already have The Middle Ground, but since I got it the same day as with Dream of Purity and very shortly after also the Higher Self NFT, I am not sure yet which of my inspirations comes from which of these… :no_mouth:


Just for fun, maybe combine middle ground with unstoppable willpower and see what happens

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You should my man

This is very special for me.

Hope you find the same discovery.

A whole new world awaits.

It unlocks whatever door it’s closed .

It reminds me to a story of Kafka , a guardian of the door.


To be honest “Unstoppable Willpower” (as well as “Stop Procrastinating”) never gave me any push to act or increase in any willpower, even when I looped it for hours…

But on the other hand, just 2 loops of Testosterone 2.5 or Excalibur or Positive Power Waves give me a perceivable push in willpower and motivation.


Ooh! Yes Excalibur is one of my faves too. Forgot about it for a sec. Going to go play that now


Let me say an example .

In some games there are “blocks” until you get some level to pass.

If you like Super Mario see it as getting the “amount of stars” to enter the next picture or room.

If you play Pokemon imagine this big Snorlax blocking the way.

So in those examples. You play devil reversed for a ‘while’ and then you can pass.

Or you realize you could pass Al the time.

But you where not on control .

Hands on the Wheel. :smirk_cat::smirk:

I think you should try this.

I readed the first post , not just a check glance :smile_cat:

But you are talking of this field my man.


I’m also a fanboy :japanese_ogre::smiling_imp::smile_cat:


Thanks Bro, those game analogies are really helpful!



Millions of Woven Worlds
Because money is the answer, you’re thinking big.
You have everything materialistic when you have money.
Woven Worlds Millions, Now that you have the money, you won’t be thinking so big. Maybe you’ll take a spiritual path instead.


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Here’s the thing, in most situations I’ve noticed how being Expansive and being Limitless are two different things.

They are equally important because they have to come hand in hand

But being “expansive”… Comes with a different type of limitlessness

And it will also depend on which “definition” you have for your aimed for expansive state.
Although the word ‘definition’ isn’t really ideal with expansion.

An ‘ideal to the T’ world is also not expansive in my world or vision.
This is why I’m saying it’s all very subjective.

Some fields that are not specifically designed for this could have this expansive perception effect on you, while others wouldn’t really ‘hit it’.

Then comes the variation of ‘expansion’ and its meaning to you, specific to this moment.

Sometimes when I want to feel expansive I want to connect to the universe, sometimes I want to think beyond the world and its measures, other times I want to feel everything is around. Sometimes I want to see what it is like to have the expansive life, and other times I really just wanna sit with myself and hold SLR in my hands, lol.

One thing that is common is that I want to see new worlds.

Some personality traits specifically help with that, being able to see one thing from multiple perspectives and with understanding of all possible sides. It will naturally allow you to live this expansive state.
For others, it can always be something different.

But to add a touch of the fields I meant a few lines up, these are the ones I was thinking of while saying that:

Torsion/the Hum of the Universe, Light of Savitur/Middle Ground, Atlantis, The World/The Devil, Abundance mindset, and of course SLR tag :smiley:
And the tower, because that’s literally what it deals with! with the Devil.

Somehow also the brain dancer field helps with that.