GHK-Cu peptide


Seems to be patron premium


This is gonna save me a lot of money in Dermatological Visits and treatments.

I’ve been dealing with skin related issues for quite a very long time

Thank You so Much @Dreamweaver




Good lord!
Whats going on with all these new epic releases??



Looks like it is for all tiers :grinning:

Thank you Captain!!!


Thank you :pray: @Dreamweaver


it is?
I had to unlock the Premium Tier to get it…

the premium version

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So what does it do for the bones specifically?

@Achilles :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Thank you so much! This looks like it will help many with regeneration and anti aging :slight_smile:

Question will this take free copper from the tissues, use it to make this peptide and apply it to the skin?

Or does it increase the copper in the body by turning other metals to copper?

Thanks again


Thank you, this is awesome. Was just looking at these little fine lines on my face this morning! :sun_with_face:


However, when the copper content in the human body is insufficient, symptoms that may occur include: anemia, reduced immunity, osteoporosis, memory loss, pale skin, unhealthy hair and other problems. Scientists have discovered that when the GHK-Cu encounters copper ions, it will help the human body in surprising ways.

According to research, the GHK-Cu has the effect of repairing skin, can restore skin elasticity, and can bring excellent repair capabilities to sensitive skin. What excites scientists most is that GHK-Cu uses the carrier of amino acid complex (peptide) to allow divalent copper ions to enter the skin, which can delay aging, smooth fine lines and other anti-aging effects on the skin.


What is the dosage of the peptide included in the audio field if there is a certain dosage programmed? As far I know there is safe dosage of the peptide that nobody should exceed. Listening to the field once a day may be too much, please advise? Thank you

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Correct me if im wrong and as far as I know… if it doesnt say anything usually 2-3 times is enough and also the limit.

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Two questions:

  • should it help with white old scars?
  • I don’t know much about patreon, however in order to unlock it which subscription should I go for?

The $22 tier is the one that gives you access to this field, since you are not familiar with Patreon, let me explain something.

There are 3 tiers

$1 gratitude one, has a few fields and Mandalas, whatever in that tier you can download and keep, they will work even if you no longer pay.

$4.5 has the majority of the audios and includes whatever it is in the $1 tier. Same here, you can download and use even if you dont pay the monthly fee anymore and you can share with direct family, will work for them too.

$22 its the Premium one, it has a few extra special audios. Whatever is in this tier ONLY work as long as you are paying the monthly fee, and ONLY work for you the subscriber, not the parents or children or spouse. And this tier has all the audios and mandalas for the $1 and the $4.5 ones.

Here is the list of all of them per tier:

Enlightened States, Gumroad, Patreon, Sapien & Patreon Shop, & Spring Fields Database

As for your first question:

Im not really sure but you can try


In addition to some nft skin, I also use this field

My skin is so smooth, I even just wash my face with water sometimes

I can’t even feel any pimples 🥹

Highly recommended to use subconscious Limits Removal Ver 3.0


Bit unfortunate this is directed solely to skin because the benefits of this peptide are amazing for the entire body for anti-aging, regeneration and health recovery.

There is much science on this and great products available, like these patches which have been demonstrating profound results for the customers, it is purely through the informational field that these patches have an effect and the results are quite significant, so I’m pretty sure that @Dreamweaver could make an audio of this with results equally profound, or even more significant… combined with the stem cells file this would be super profound.

There is research showing that the copper peptide also helps proper distribution and assimilation of actual pre-existing copper elements into the cells.


Me toooo :heart_eyes:
Nearly a month of adding it in my skin stack, old rashes/scars are fading!
Also acne prevention during that time of the month is on point.