Godlike Fella NFT: The Release šŸ‘ (The Tour of Tours): Testimonials

Decided to get back into playing this field and to me it feels like if the eternal had an audio, as sensations of body parts that used to hurt getting fixed and adjusted to become even better while on the mind part, I just feel this energy of unshakableconfidence rushing through me


I use this beauty with my custom male enhancement fields and I have to say that my growth is significantly accelerated. I use the new Sacral Audio from Dream too.


So finally got around to playing this.

2x review (first play, looped once)

From the beginning, during, and afterward I could tell there was a lot going on.
Overall, I felt ā€œfullerā€ though, and almost like, more of myself(?)
(without necessarily adding further implications or connotations in this context).

Physically I could feel density and expansion throughout my body as a whole. I could feel bigger, but not so much increasing size, more of a focus on the density part. Muscles included I suppose.

My mind felt patterned like somewhere between a dodecahedron (12 sided die) and a icosahedron (20 sided die), but more dimensional. Maybe like a 4th dimensional shape? Imagine a 3d shape within another 3d shape and the interplay between the two. Something of a light version of that occuring. I could feel my ego resisting this and other aspects, so the big challenge for me was lowering my ego and just embracing the experience. A cooling sensation added as well.

Heart(lovewise), I felt kinder. More forgiving, and even sympathetic (usually Iā€™m with empathy and aim for compassion, but here it was like I was allowing this for myself). Wholeness centered here, with a little more generosity in sharing myself than Iā€™m used to.

Wealth, particularly money. My attitudes and inherent beliefs in this area shifted. From at least a past life and social settings in how I was raised, Iā€™ve felt that Iā€™ve struggled in this area (and in many ways still do). But the shift here was so sudden and clear afterward. Like my mind and ego were (desperately) confused. I felt more deserving overall, and an opening sense of allowing myself to be more connected with commerce and related activities (an area for me to place more attention and focus on).

Hmm, those were the main areasā€¦

Oh, also
Warrior mindset though (maybe related to sports or power descriptions) - calmer, cooler, felt more in control of my being, and not needing to act or move in any unnecessary way. Less of an inclination to react or even respond.

Thank you for this creation


Yeah, like a true Godlike Fella :D


Oh, wanted to add. This was the only field I played that day, late in the evening. Did require some rest right afterward.

And whenever I interact with certain NFTs, I sometimes naturally get inspired to connect with known and previously unknown fields (personally) along a particular theme. Here the theme was physical health related, as well as energy (e.g. prana, chi, mana) related ones.


The Godlike Initiation is very crazy cool fo sho.

I also remember the late first night i listened to it.

It was like aā€¦ Poetry.


Hence i wrote one.

Uncomparable to any rest of the fields that we had before, a brand new experience provided for us.

Thanks a lot to @Captain_Nemo for this speciality. :shinto_shrine: :eye:

Also want to mention that the music could not get cooler.
Alongside with the vibe it brings.


Oh and in case anyone wants to rock some Godlike Fella merch, alongside with this NFT:


Godlike Fella Clothing Shop


@Gnosticmedic27 was actually one of the first Godlike Fellas last year :) :smiley:


I think theyā€™re pretty dope, and a bit more unique than what one might wear on their daily basis.


Brooo the black sweatshirt and the white backpack are on my list next. I still wear the shirt like once a week.



I have been using the sweatshirt myself!

Canā€™t go unnoticable wearing it xd


You guys got these made on printful?


Teespring :slightly_smiling_face:


I donā€™t know how this even came into my possession. I mean technically yes I do. But why anyone would let this go idk. The man must have gotten full godlike in 5 months and his godder self told him it was time to pass it on.

I didnā€™t use it for the first day I had it because I kept reading the description and was unsure what it was exactly saying would happen. And it felt like a commitment if I used it.

So I used it. First night first listenā€¦ balls tingling. First field I think I can ever say that was the thing I noticed from it.

But over the last 24 hours hereā€™s what Iā€™ve noticed.

Confidence way up. But not making me act extroverted either. So I like how this is working. I get to be myself and also have the mega confidence.

Women pursuing me. Not bad looking ones. Yes for real very noticeable not a maybe kind of thing. Some just flirty others more. (Could be just from the increased confidence. Not feeling like this is a ā€œget you laidā€ kind of field. Donā€™t want to give the wrong impression. More self confidence = more respect from others :+1:)

More physical energy throughout the day less tiredness.

Better at reading people. Like see a psyche all mapped out. Not every person but especially when they try to direct something at me good or bad. No I still canā€™t help you find your car keys.

People skills noticeably improving. I look forward to seeing more of this in time. Itā€™s only day 1 but I notice something in this department.

I think thatā€™s all for now. If Iā€™m not forgetting anything. I look forward to seeing the intelligence increase and hopefully some physical bonuses.

Libido way up. All day.

All you guys have had this for 5 months and ainā€™t saying much. Iā€™m suspicious. Too good to talk about? Ok.


5 months already??

Feels like yesterday it got out :disappointed_relieved::sob:.

I think its good to see reviews from others. So that we know for sure the experiences we experience are real xd.

Or It could be also that everyone experiences it differently. Maybe not as exciting. I dont know.

In general I think the transition from not having this nft to having it, its a big one

But soon one might have gotten just to these new energies and sees it all as completely normal thing. Which means the field has become a great part of them.

Iā€™m glad you find it fun :zap::muscle::eye:


Hi guys , got this gem for a few weeks now :blush:. Would like to ask where would be apt to place this in a stack ? At the very beginning or at the end ? Need your advice on this , thanks guys .

My stack has got Max heal , Blueprint Of Love , Hercules , and Godlike Fella . Would love to hear all your thoughts and valuable suggestions :blush:


Man o man, I forgot how fun this NFT is


Very underrated creation. This is a total enhancement of oneself in every regard.


I got this recently in a trade and feel it was perfect timing. I hadnā€™t realized that it was looped for 9 plays. The whole time. I was talking to it and kept feeling my body absorbing or radiating energy. I stared into the void (in the pupil of the eye in the picture) as the music played, then told it to revitalize & restore each of my bodyā€™s systems; one by one. I then had it trigger Autophagy in cells & DNA. By then, the feeling grew more intense. Finally, I looked at other NFTs and had it connect to my past, future and present interactions with them and integrated those experiences into my being. It made me realize just how special this one is! It is anything you desire it to be (when it pertains to the self). It is truly limitless in its application.


So the way i think the processes of this works.

So basically for each god category, it is a sort of archetype or an idea created of what a god of these certain aspect is.
And then what all it includes.
So it comes with sort of sets of traits. Etc. Which here we strive to integrate onto ourselves to resemble them within ourselves.
Developing them for example, its what the field strives to do.


Will the user become physically immortal using this field?


After reading all the awesome experiences on this thread, another thought popped up. Even in the Christian Bible it said that we were created in Godā€™s image. From that perspective (& others who perceive reality from that angle), humans are born with limitless potential (Godā€™s image). Howeverā€¦the filter of density (ie. Othersā€™ experiences, perspectives, dreams, fears, self-made rules/limits) is what seems to shape each child; into a ā€œrationalā€, ā€œlogicalā€ and ā€œcommonā€ being.

We are all just working at returning to the state we were born into years later. I thought the image of the face and the DNA was a perfect example of being created in the image of God. It is empowering to understand we are all Spirit having a human experience! Thank you to @veh and @Captain_Nemo for this masterpiece.