Gratitude For Dreamweaver and Team

Lots of gratitude here for everyone’s efforts and compassion.


All I can say is youre part of my daily life especially in the last 1 year . Whenever I have a problem I think :" what sapien audio could help against that ?" And there’s almost always one that helps!! It’s just that it’s almost normal and became a habit that sapiens audios a part of my daily life . So much more hope and and proactive approach to life because of you !!
And may I say that I have the feeling that you are definitely on the right track with what you’re doing . When I started listening to frequencies you were one of many . Now you’re the best especially in the last 2 years you stepped up your game to another level .
Future will be bright! Thanks !


Thanks for all the incredible fields and hard work Dream and Sam. Forever grateful to have discovered your work. As a commenter on YouTube said “Sapien makes this dimension doable.”


I discovered Sapien some years ago trying to resolve a skin problem. It was amaizing, never thought the change could be so rapid and fantastic. Than I did not use it for a while because I did not understand the power behind fields. Few months ago I had another problem and I turned to Sapien and the help was there. Than I decied to learn more about it and it was the miracle. I am big fan of Nikola Tesla and Dreamweaver/Sapien is the same genius. When this forum appeared It was fantastic to meet all this wonedrful people and share this powerful good energy. Thank you Dreamweaver/Sapien & Team. Love and gratitude for you from the bottom of my heart. :heart::pray::sunny:


Just seeing someone making the impossible possible and accessable is an inspiration this world needs.
Thank you for bringing the wonders and joy and curiosity of childhood back to us.


Sapien, Sammy G, and the rest of the squad…what can I say? You guys have done so much for me, like where do I start? First of all, in my “I’m so blessed” thread I had posted about a month ago, I had mentioned, “If something life-threatening ever popped up, I’ll have a full deck ready.” Well, something life-threatening had indeed popped up, and like I had said, I had a full deck ready. I had stage 2 melanoma that’s been growing from almost 2 years ago while I was in prison. I’d writ it off in prison, because nurses told me to not worry about it because the sun doesn’t shine where I have that mole, so it can’t be. Well, that’s a myth, I’d found out. Anyways, I’ve been using your “Anti-cancer” audio for a little over a week now, and it continues to get smaller and smaller everyday. I literally owe you my life, and for that I’m grateful. You also basically gave me a chance to get my 15 years back that I’d lost, and then some more…I used to always fantasize about, “Man, I wonder what the world will look like in a hundred years?” LOL…Well, now, I can see what the next 200 hundred years will look like. Also, nobody really noticed them, but I was starting to get lip lines that I was self-conscious about(though I didn’t have wrinkles else where, this made me feel old, and I’m ocd about my looks and everything else.) but within a week, they had fully diminished because of your Collagen audio! I had a lot of negative energies(anger, rage, mental disorder,pain) from all the crimes that I had committed when I was ripping and running the streets, my childhood, and the stuff I’d been through or did in prison…But I was able to disconnect from most of those negative energies through many of your different audios… I had severe brain damage from all the meth, k-2, and ex I did…I even had several seizures because of k-2…(I’ve never have been known to seize up, only on drugs). Within several days, your “Nerve growth factor” audio made my brain feel like it was even more enhanced than before! I’d started to retain and comprehend stuff like it was easy as hell.I had gained over 10 pounds of muscle in a little over a week because of your “Automated upper body workout” audio! I’ve been so blind without my contacts since I was in the 2nd grade.(to the point where you’d have to be literally in my face for me to make out the details). Now I can see great details because of your eye audios andyour Bdnf audio as well…I give it another month and I should have 20/20 vision… When I’d first came home, even though people still said I looked young, I was still searching for all kinds of longevity/anti-aging pills, I wanted to spend a little more time with my loved ones now that I’m in my new form…and the best I could come up with, was something really expensive called, “NMN”. I was like screw it, when I get more money, I will get a whole bunch of that, and prolong my life. Lo and behold, I find out about your frequencies! It sounds cliché, to say that you guys made a lot of my wishes come true, but how else would I describe all of this? Get rid of a life-threatening disease that’s way past overdue, for free! Live waaaay past one hundred and 50 years? (Like how many people have truly lived over a hundred?) I feel like it’s a beautiful dream…or like I’m in some kind of video game but I did a cheat code for health immunity and infinite life…but I’m sure that’s almost how everyone apart of your community feels. And you make it to where supporting you is a blessing…who doesn’t love your amazing tags or your life-changing audios? Lol…I’m rambling on now but I just wanted to let you know all of this, because I’ve read your comments here and there…sometimes I know certain people get to you and you’ve mention stopping what you’re doing before(on the Sapien and the Dream seeds channel) but you can’t…we need you man. We love you and are really grateful of your work. You’ve got a grand community standing proudly behind you…so just keep truckin’ on man! We’re all rooting for you. :grinning:


I am sure that he has appreciated the gesture :slight_smile:. Thank you for creating this thread.

Thanks you guys for being examplary, inspiring, proactive, radiant and more.


Yes I do, thank you all.
But remember this is all possible because of everyone’s support.
So I appreciate you all giving these things a chance also.


Thank you so much …I am forever grateful :heart:


I’m a little late to this thread but wanted to share my immense gratitude to @Dreamweaver and @SammyG. Thank you for being one of my angelic guides to help get me back from the brink and re-engage with life. Never imagined that this help would come through YouTube in the beginning. Your audios/ fields/ emails to me had a deep impact which I will be forever be in gratitude for. Thank you for being the kind, compassionate, soulful, evolved, and connected human beings. :purple_heart: :purple_heart:

Through Patreon, I find this forum filled with many other kind, compassionate, evolving humans who are working on themselves and that want to share and help. So, thank you to the team and the members who have reached out to share their wisdom. :purple_heart:


Wow, didn’t notice this thread til now. Thanks for the kind words :slightly_smiling_face:

Sapienmed comment sections have always been very positive and we wanted to create a community for you all to connect and channel that positivity. It feels so awesome to see that unfold here for the most part.


I’m so grateful I got to know Dreamweaver and Dale Power in the Xtrememind forum. I know words do not do justice to what Dream has given to many people. Again, thank you so much for everything @Dreamweaver and @SammyG for sharing with all of us your talent, time, etc. Those superb videos, mandalas, fields really helped me, wow man! I’m really at a loss for words…

Also, thanks a lot to the members of this forum for your generosity and I also learned a lot of useful information.

Sorry for this late post. I only learned of this thread just now. :grinning:


You are welcome! As someone who has started communities several times in my life, I recognize and agree that it is all possible because of everyone’s support. And yes, everything helps everything haha. Chances for everyone!


I guess it’s never late to express gratitude! I feel grateful for all Dreamweaver and Team offer ! I am one who can say I benefit greatly from their work! Thanks Dreamweaver, Sammy and anyone else that might be involved !


i am infinitely grateful for sapien med’s team and this forum! all the audios i listen to have helped me in so many ways that i’d need to start writing a book just to list all the beneficial changes i’m experiencing daily in my life.

the biggest change in my life is the fact that today i am starting to genuinely accept who i am and where my life is at the moment. this perspective change is so huge for me since i have been doing my best to get out of a depressing state/perspective. edit: i should mention that what’s helped me the most are the negativity removing audios.

i am also enjoying everyone here in this forum. so many different personalities communicating with each other!


Infinite gratitude to Dale, Dream and Sammy! Keep up The Great Work.


Thank you so much @Dreamweaver @SammyG for your hard work in aiding us.


Yes, much gratitude. Very wow. Good stuff!



Dreamweaver and Sammy already know my feelings for them, so I won’t spam.

But I can’t really say the same thing about another modest member: @pranic_climber aka Vakuum. There’s a Turkish expression which says that good music “wipes off the rust from the ears”. That is, your music, Vakuum. Enough reason to display publicly my gratitude to you.


@Bronyraur This made my day. Probably one of the nicest compliments anyone has ever given me for my music too… thank you :pray:t3: :kissing_heart: