Gratitude For Dreamweaver and Team


Dreamweaver and Sammy already know my feelings for them, so I won’t spam.

But I can’t really say the same thing about another modest member: @pranic_climber aka Vakuum. There’s a Turkish expression which says that good music “wipes off the rust from the ears”. That is, your music, Vakuum. Enough reason to display publicly my gratitude to you.


@Bronyraur This made my day. Probably one of the nicest compliments anyone has ever given me for my music too… thank you :pray:t3: :kissing_heart:


Heartfelt thank you for being the guardian angel for me n my family :heart: Bless you team Sapien!!!


good morning! i wanted to share my gratitude towards sapien medicine’s team!

last night was the worst pain i’ve felt in my sacral chakra. instead of having thoughts of victimization like i used to, i had thoughts of gratitude that i’m going through this pain with tools that i can use to help me through the process.

i looped brain regeneration overnight and i somehow was able to get sleep. the next morning the pain is all gone, the only thing that stayed was my new perspective on what pain is to me as i meditated with the intense feelings.

it was the most intense pain i’ve had internally, but i feel like it was correlating to my personal decision of moving on from a habit i always wanted to replace with something more healthy and productive.


We talk of other Morphic field creators - and sometimes there is a tendency to brush everything with the same brush and call it all ‘morphic fields’ aka same as Sapien’s fields.

As someone who learned from Dale, experimented making fields with GT, and has almost every field from Dream (minus the super expensive Divine Balance Pendant category :partying_face: which I am gonna leave it to my buddy @This_Boy_Here), I think we need to appreciate the complexity of these fields. Sometimes, we dumb down everything - simplicity is a virtue, over-simplification is not!

Is a morphic field an intention? To an extent. Is repeating the same intention a billion times the same as Sapien’s morphic field? Not really. Is energized intent (could be through Reiki, crystals, bio-energy, servitor, etc.) the same as Sapien’s fields - not exactly! I am not really passing judgment on the effectiveness of those methods - they can be very effective, but those are not the same as the painfully precise and intelligent fields created by Dreamweaver. There is very precise and specific coding which is imbued into audio or an object - this is not merely intended, or asked as a prayer or “I ask and it shall be done” type of a thing - it requires a massive amount of skill and precision.

As Dale writes, if we have a precise idea of what is required of a field, and this is conceptually held in the quantum mind, while ensuring that there is no interference to this resonant field for a sufficient amount of time, that makes the field come alive. The higher the state of energy, the faster and stronger the field is. While all this sounds simple on the paper, mountainous effort and accomplishment are needed to achieve palpable results. The concepts are similar to say Psychokenesis and it is not an easy task to accomplish.

Again, the reason I write this is to drive home the point that what Sapien does is not easy and not the same as many other creators we have today. Of course, there probably are other creators who produce similar morphic fields, but it will be good to understand the complexity behind creating a field so that we truly appreciate Dream’s work and not compare it with this, that, or something else.


Thanks bra


Thank you Dreamweaver from my bottom of my heart. Words will not be able to describe what I feel for your work. I will never forget the day when I discovered your youtube channel since it was the turning point in my life from drifting hopelessly to… well I don’t know what the future has in store for me, but I can say I feel really excited about it, about my life in general. That is a feeling I lost in my childhood, but now having your fields on my side, I know everything will turn out fine. Thank you for your beautiful work. I cant imagine life without your fields any more!
Blessings to you and Sammy and your loved ones.


I’m not wealthy, I’m honestly having financial difficulties right now, mostly due to our planet’s current situation.

I have been listening to your fields for some years now, and I am happy to be a part of your Patreon, and when I saw the description of the Knight/Warrior field, I was intrigued, and it resonated with me. I decided to treat myself, and at the same time to show my appreciate in my own small way. You deserve it and more.

Thank you and stay safe


Thank you guys for all your work <3


My Gratitude to Dreamweaver.
I came across Dreamweaver in the extrememind forum about 8 or more years ago. I was just “waking up” and found all the “energy stuff” they talked about truly fascinating. Plus it sometimes (often? haha) felt like I was on the edge of a testosterone filled locker room lol. But there was this guy Dreamweaver who was often referred to, who everyone seemed to hold in the highest regard.
In Oct 2013, my mother had a ruptured brain aneurysm. I won’t bore you with the details but after inserting a titanium coil around it via a vein from her groin to her head, she suffered from third cranial nerve palsy in her right eye. This meant that the nerve that controlled her right eyelid and also pulled her right eye upwards and inwards didn’t work. Her right eyelid was closed and didn’t even twitch when her left eye blinked. When she left the hospital about 3 weeks later there was still absolutely no movement in her right eyelid and the doctors basically told us that if she was going to recover anything there would at least be some movement by now. It was a pretty awful situation. Coming from a evangelical Christian background (I’d long since left) there were many prayers being said for my Mum but no change whatsoever.
Totally out of character for me - a sign of my total desperation to help my Mum - I got up the guts to email this legendary Dreamweaver to ask if he did healing sessions and how much he charged (never really imagining that I could afford them). To my absolute amazement he offered to help free of charge. I still tear up just thinking about how kind and generous he was in my time of total desperation.
It won’t surprise many of you but I’m pretty sure it was within a week of Dreamweaver working on my Mum that her right eyelid started opening but she had severe double vision because her eye was still looking down to the corner. Within around 3 weeks her eyelid opened and her eye corrected so she was able to see without double vision. She looked completely normal. The doctors were surprised but of course didn’t want to know anything.
It was truly a miracle and in the more than 7 years since, my Mum’s had no trouble with that condition. I will be forever grateful to Dreamweaver and am still blown away at his willingness to help a total stranger on the other side of the world (Oz). The memory of seeing an email from Dreamweaver. in my inbox still blows my mind, maybe even more so today. He even checked up about a year later - yes seriously!
I’ve only just found this forum and his patreon etc a week or so ago so I still feel a bit like a kid in a candy shop :)
Thank you thank you so very much Dreamweaver. The wonderful, ongoing difference you made in mine and my Mum’s life all those years ago is still actually a bit overwhelming. I’ve thought of you many times over the years and always send you and yours much love and light. You are a true beacon of light and hope in this world and I send you much love.
PS After joining your patreon I couldn’t believe we could download an mp3 of most of your audios. Your generosity is still mind blowing. So much heartfelt gratitude to you. It is such an amazing gift! Now i just need to figure out where to start lol. Love you Dream :)
PPS After lurking in the forums a lot in the last few days i saw your comment to R about now having to make the field in this reality - which did freak me out a bit but also I just love it haha!!


Welcome to our awesome Forum @Sazza. It’s great to have you here :smiley:


Thank you so much @Jennyfire. This forum really is awesome :grinning:


hey @Sazza great outcome to the story! welcome to the forum too!


Thank you @ziggy. It was an amazing outcome. I’m so grateful to Dream :)


Welcome Sazza, thanks for sharing your awesome experience.


Thanks for your welcome @Lucky. It really was such an awesome experience .


Glad to have a “old-timer” come back. See ya around!


Welcome to the Forum!!


Welcome to the forum @Sazza! What a beautiful, awesome, and happy ending! Thanks for sharing your story. Blessings to you and your family. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks everyone for your lovely comments and warm welcomes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: