Grouping themes or spreading through the day?

I’m curious how you had more success with physical fields

I’ve always spread them through the day
For example, lets say I’m working on three themes:

  • healing an organ
  • grow muscles
  • detox

and lets say each one require 3x listens daily

What I have done so fare is creating 1 stack with all 3 and play it once in the morning, once mid day, once at night.

What about creating 3 stacks instead

  1. healing an organ 3x
  2. grow muscles 3x
  3. detox 3x

and play for example 1 in the morning, 2 mid day and 3 in evening?

Which in your personal experience has given you the most benefits?

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The second option seems to work best for me, so I rearranged my stacks over time to work on 1 theme at a time.

And I have 3 distinct themes in my “new” night stack lol (new = mix of older and newer fields). I put Corona Silent a few times between each of them for the transition.


I second Bronyaur! I group my stacks per theme and space them out over the day. Some I play only once but others I play several times. I just make sure I have a few hours between each “repeat” in order to overwhelm my body (not sure it’s necessary but just in case).

My night stack is centered around a single issue and I keep it shortish to have several loops but I like the idea of a “buffer” track between the different themes…food for thought!

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Thanks but my question doesnt necessarly imply having a big stack of audios (I put 3 quite specific themes in my example)

My question can be put differently like this: (in your personal experience) does spreading the reps/day of an audio theoughout the day works better then having single stacks for each audios?

In my opinion Detox with Healing and in other stack grow muscles
Now I too do specific stacks because they are more congruent with each other; it is a rule that should also be respected for subliminals.

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As I’ve been reading the testamonials in this Forum, what I’ve taken away from those comments is that many of our Forum friends seem to find that playing their repetitions in succession seem to work better for them.

As an example, (this is my impression that) if a field has a recommendation to be played 3 times a day, posters on here seem to group their 3 times into one stack. I’ve read a number of posts from our more experienced friends where they found the fields more effective for them as it repeated one playing after another, like a mini-loop, rather than spreading the 3 plays out in intervals across the span of a day.

Is that what you were asking? (If so, I hope that helps.)



But what about you? :slightly_smiling_face:

I didn’t speak to my experience because I’m pretty new to these fields. Because of that newness, I did my research (which I just mentioned) and then based my stacks based on the conclusion I had posted above. I can’t say if it’s “better,” because that’s the only way I did it.

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This specific one I would have
Healing and detox in one “stack” 3x a day like morning midday evening

Muscle/automated workout stack, one stack once a day where you have the audio(s) playing 3x

So for me it depends on the type of audio.
Either in the FAQ or somewhere on the website the 3x a day at separate times approach is advised, I think because this way the energy “continuously” integrates or something like that. It was a while ago I read about that :sweat_smile:

Yeah that was basically my thinking behind the way I created my stacks till now.
Will experiment more

I’ve also seen lumped fields work with a specific topic in a stack, rather than spread out with the same stack throughout the day.