Gut Feeling, Intuition Thread

(I chosed General Discussion, but maybe Social categories are more suited? The mods will decide on this :grinning: - also, if this Thread shall be integrated into another or not)

Ok, with the small Disclaimer/Introduction out of the way, I want to talk a little bit about this Thread.

This Thread will be used for the following purposes:
To discuss about Gut Feeling/Intuition and Related Subjects; to ask others about certain gut feelings/intuitive thoughts and what they feel about them; other related purposes, whatever these may be.


I have not used (my) old Facebook or Instagram account in months (possibly half a year or more) and although I didn’t want to use these accounts again, I kinda missed certain entertaining posts and seeing what some people from my past were doing.

So, what did I do?
I created some fake accounts lol…
Anyway, to continue my story…

Hmm, there was this person, whom I searched for with my new account and i immediately felt sick while looking at their pictures (wanted to check out what stuff they are posting lol), mostly in my gut area and even felt nausea, sickness while looking at their pictures.

This thing has NEVER happened to me.

What could be the reasons?

I would like to not offer details about this person lol (OK, the mysterious figure is a Woman, but nothing more lol, no other details).

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My question to you would be the
knowing that comes with the feeling

For example, I can see someone’s photo and feel Ill for a variety of reasons, but tied to the feeling will be a knowing and usually visions, but for most people, I bet even just really paying attention to the feeling—WHY are you feeling this way. And then don’t second guess your answer :)

A picture is truly worth a million words, isn’t it


It reminded me of when the guys in the brain threads say you have to test yourself and practice stuff so that you know how you have progressed and gained skills. I am thinking that your intuition and clairsentience are growing and that was a worthy test. To perceive the aura of someone you knew before, but now you have changed and your senses perceived maybe where you were and now she still is. It gave you a picture and you matched it with the feeling that told you “that used to be you and you don’t need to go there again.”


The thing is that I just felt really sick (nausea type, but really strong) and i couldn’t know or conclude why (the bad feeling was VERY strong, so I immediately left her profile and things were instantly Better; couldn’t even analyze or know why), but I got a few thoughts passing through my head.

I think this is the answer, I mean, my body and intuition were clearly screaming “NOOO”, “LEAAAVEE” lol…
It couldn’t be any more Clear than that.

Thank You, Bewitched and Rosechalice. :pray:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Discussion for other similar Channels on YouTube