Happy Birthday, Forum

Already March 2nd here. Unfortunately, I’m not really in the mood for writing something festive. It would sound fake if I did that right now. So I just want to thank:

Dreamweaver, Sammy,

AkiraTheWild, Gpo, Maoshan Wanderer, Noah, _OM, Uial,

for everything they’ve done and keep doing for this community,

As well as everyone out here on the forum (when I say “everyone”, it’s not an exaggeration). You all have contributed to my “journey” or whatever you may call it, one way or another. Each with your own style and perspective.

Maoshan Wanderer said several times that “we are family”. He was right. Being a family may not always be all about sunshine and roses, or reciprocally “approving” every single stuff. Especially when it comes to highly sensitive and personal themes like those often shared in this community. But at the end of the day, we still end up being here for (or at least with) one another. That’s what matters.

Happy birthday.


Happy Birthday for everyone family!!! :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: :tada: :tada: :tada: :birthday: :birthday: :birthday: Thanks to you dear sister for be a light around us!!! :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:


Congrats Sammy, Dream and everyone else for all the work you put into this amazing forum!!

Happy birthday forum!


Happy birthday​:birthday::tada::gift: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Happy birthday! :birthday:


happy birthday! how old is our forum home?

:sunflower: :rose: :butterfly: :cake: :heart: :balloon: :partying_face:


Oh i remember last year when this started i was so sad.

2 of March was my late Dad’s birthday.

I joined and i was like meh… now every year on this forum’s birthday I’ll celebrate both amazing gifts i got in this life :clap:t3::heart_eyes::blush:


Happy Birthday forum.enlightenedstates! I wanted to call the forum ‘Sanctuary’ but that didn’t pan out obviously lol. Well, here we are. This has taken on a life of it’s own really. I expected the forum to be somewhat active but this? A new home for me and many others? Might not be ‘Sanctuary’ in name but it is in spirit.

Thank you all for making this place what it is. It wouldn’t feel like home if it weren’t for all of you… and oh, how I love seeing that willingness you all have to help one another. I don’t see that out in the world everyday so seeing it happen here so frequently reignites my faith in humanity.

It’s unfortunate that this birthday is bittersweet. I’m still a bit down about recent events but such is life.

What inspired me and Dream to make this forum was the SapienMedicine’s comment section… It was and is so darned positive. I would think wow… what if we made a place where these pleasant people can interact with each other on a daily basis?

Coincidentally, Covid was beginning to hit the world hard and I couldn’t think of a better time to make a forum. Now here we are 1 year later. We all got a bunch of new friends and people we love now. Ain’t that something?

Many phases, this forum has had in 1 year. Throughout most of them though, I felt love and positivity emanating from the forum. People trying to grow and help each other grow. And share things about their lives… and their love for sapien audios lol.

Although there would be much disagreement, we all would learn so much from those discussions. It allows us to expand our thoughts on things and see a different side we hadn’t considered before. Even if we wouldn’t consider the other side, onlookers would get two sides of a coin rather than just one. This forum would be boring if everyone agreed with each other. All I ask in this regard is that we respect each other’s differing opinions and not start spouting personal attacks.

But that did happen quite a bit here. This forum was certainly not all sunshine and rainbows. It’s had some… unpleasant phases. I recall one phase women were iffy about wandering around cause a great portion of the forum’s discussions were about penis sizes lol.

It’s not like that anymore luckily. I thank Om and our excellent mod team for that. They did a great job of cleaning the place up. I would step in when needed as well and gave warnings and then bans to frequent dissenters. Couldn’t be here as often as I should’ve because answering the questions of the thousands of Sapien listeners through email is a day job in itself (luckily found a better way to handle/schedule this recently).

The forum really feels more like a clean and welcome place now. So I promise to keep it that way. I said I promise… so if you ever see the forum getting out of hand, then you remind me of my promise. I’ll do what I can to instill balance in the most loving way possible.

This sounds easy but trust me, it is difficult. It would be much easier for me to just reign in authoritatively and make people submit. Ban those who I don’t think belong off the bat. Very easy. But balance through unconditional love and compassion is the path I chose and wish to instill here. So I will stick to it.

But at the same time, don’t take my kindness for weakness. If you get banned for not adhering to warnings and return with the same behavior, you will get permanently banned. This forum is too lovely to have it be dragged down to the dirt.

That being said, I trust you guys. I’ve seen so many of you grow quite a lot in the past year and only see your paths getting brighter as you go on. I’m genuinely excited to hear more from you all as you continue pushing forward in your journeys.

And newcomers, if they get out of hand, try to be compassionate with them. They’re often people who’ve never had compassion or love from a stranger (or anyone for that matter). It will go a long way to make them feel welcome and act more amicably. Even if they don’t, you’ll be the bigger person by not stooping to that level and reflecting love instead. This is just a suggestion though, not a rule.

Anyways, happy birthday to this forum once again. Much love and gratitude to you all :heart:


i’d also like to remind us veterans of our open-mindedness and grace. we can learn from newcomers just as much as they learn from us and our experiences.


Thanks for the early morning thought dear Bronyrarur :heart:

I’ve attended many forums and ran multiple alias here and there. But quite rarely there is actually one where I stay, you know? Usually I sort of outgrow the forums after a short while, or I don’t see the “need” to use them anymore.

When I first arrived here it proved to be another weird forum for me. Weird in the sense that I didn’t understand much of what people were discussing, the jokes, even the character of most. As @Bronyraur placed, not so different from an actual family, isn’t it so?
What it had given me was an actual way to develop and progress more my soul.

Here’s something about me. Rarely shared. I’m from Portugal. And in my country there’s an old saying:

“À noite todos os gatos são pardos”

Which means and entails that, at night, everything seems to be the same. Hardly you recognize anyone, even colors.

When I first joined here I was really in the dark about a magical life. You spoke of so much stuff which I either :
1- Didn’t understand
2- (Un)consciously rejected
3- Have been through
4- Resonated and learned from it
5- Developed a sudden interest.
6- Knew to be “woo-hoo”
7- Felt quite egoistic

In a sense, reminded me of the Dark Knight of the Soul journey I’ve been through. Nonetheless, I got a different vibe from you guys, and from this place. Albeit there’s always someone developed, loads of egos battling along, there was this sense of overall goodness floating around.
I decided to stay, I kept staying… Seen and read too much. Of course, just like any family:

I’ve found support through Cris, which responded me on the 1st days and guided me with experience
We’ve had always a more loving “Luna-tic” fellow around, but here I ask, don’t you have that inside of you also?
Of course we have a more strict fellow such as OM was, also most needed - aren’t you also like that, at times?
Of course, a more rational part of us, quite Phillip’iesc :wink , that always reminds us of our brain power!
Of course we had a more of service one, such as Uial , wouldn’t you empower this part of you?
Of course we had a Sammy always around reflecting light, how’s that for support?
And even that old family member that you’ve always knew, kind of a bigger brother, Maoshan to enlighten you, even if you rarely spoke to him…You know that distant brother always working…
Then we got ourselves a Bronyraur, a true warrioress in every sense of the word.
A This_Boy_Here, always here indeed, for us, to remind ourselves we have a choice, and help us regardless.
As much as an AscendingBicep to remind ourselves to treat our bodies…
And even a psynergyetic fellow that portrays Essence of Beauty
As much as a GiantBruceLee, whose charisma and greatness are of high realms
And of utmost important, all of us had/have a dream. And we have a Dream guy who’s directing it, starring as a Director/Captain of sort, allowing all this vision to unfold…

Thank you.

And so much more to be told…

I won’t say much more. Other than that I’ve found extraordinary people around. One or another portuguese member also. But just like any family, don’t you, at times, discuss at the dinner table also? Of course one wants to eat, as much as to be left alone, as much as be validated… and so on, so forth.

But I’ve always find a place that went beyond common reality…

When I came here I expected to grow. After a while I started to help others grow. And after I “left” I’ve seen of how much of service I can also be. From all the forums, alias, and such, I’ve been into this life, regardless of my appetite, this forum has been the one most truthful I’ve been. From all the timelines, other lives and such, this proved to be worth living.
I’ve felt respected, I’ve felt helped. I’ve felt hopeless at times, but I was bound to be surprised by a few (human) fellow members around.

Even now, that I’m focusing on me, on my health, I also realize that a part of You is already with me.
Which is why, in a sense, I never left…
I still have much growing to do, as much as grow others. And as much as I’ve avoid sharing much myself, you were one of the places where I’ve truly opened a bit.

SO, since this is too long, Thank you for being a galactical family. With all the challenges, goals, friendships, bitterness, sour, sweetness, a family brings.

As for now, a meal is served. Care to join me at the dinner table?

Happy b-day to us!


Interestingly, I’ve always referred to it as “Sanctum Santorum” in my head. I know it sounds weird but it’s one of the reasons I don’t tell many people (even ones I want to help) about its existence so as to avoid “heat” from unwanted people.


I think we should donate to sapien today for showing gratitude…even tho it might not mean that much compared to what he has done for us…but it’s better than words alone ;)


I can only join to those that have posted before me.

I only joined around September (not even 6 months, that’s crazy), but in this short time my life has changed so much. I personally have changed even more, and the speed of this transformation is insane.

I remember coming around here first and seeing the alien intercession thread and I was like… “damn, I have to be careful, these people are probably just as insane as the flat earth crowd”
When I first saw the tags listed I didn’t think I would ever buy one…

It was only a matter of weeks, if even that, and I changed my mind completely - I even have a galactic tag now :laughing:

Anyway, I couldn’t possibly list everything great about this forum and the people here.
I have learnt so much, my mind is so much more open.:exploding_head:

Thank you! :sparkling_heart:


Loool alien roids and alien girlfriends. Those were fun times…


Lol is this Me? :joy::flushed:


Indeed it was :slight_smile:
I come to enjoy reading your posts and valuable contributions here @anon46520955

You’re a kindred spirit


Happy birthday, @SammyG and @El_Capitan_Nemo ! :gift_heart::birthday: :tada:

Thank you for this wonderful (quite literally :grin:) forum where we can share and grow together ! It’s truely a gift for all of us :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And thank you everyone, for making this place the sanctuary that it is :sparkling_heart:


Wow it’s been one year already!
The forum has been one of the best sapien medicine ideas imo !!
Hugs to all :heart:


Is there a direct way to donate that is not through one of the foundations? @SammyG? I was browsing the website the other day looking for that but i only saw the donations to the F. Not that is bad but i thought there was a donation link just for Sapien team.


Happy birthday to Sapien medicine :tada::birthday::grin::pray::heart::sunny:

This forum is like a temple, a sanctuary for me. I go there regularly. I observe and I learn. My brain is in theta mode …

I want to share this with you so that you understand the change you have made to me so far. this is one of the comments of a medium when I posted a photo of myself for a request for feelings.

… "Hello Elliot :sparkles:

You have a luminous soul. You like to bring around you, your knowledge and your vision of seeing the world. You sometimes feel out of step with the rest of the world because you have a great sensitivity and you know how to capture the energies around you which is not always easy to manage. You have learned to deal with this over time and I feel relieved and fulfilled, as if you have finally found your way and realized what your purpose is and what you need to bring to this world in this life. You are an old soul and have a lot of knowledge. You enjoy healing people from their wounds, and you have a very calming empathic side to people who come to you for advice. I still feel that you are looking for a certain stability in some area of ​​your life, you are gradually finding your place and building the bricks one by one, it takes time. You don’t like conflicts, negative situations in which you can quickly run away not to say what you think, you prefer to preserve others and internalize, but when you are really angry you are “afraid” of certain words or word can exceed your thought.
Continue to bring light around you, while staying as fair as possible as you are used to (you hate injustice) and I see a beautiful path for you in the world of spirituality.

Hope this message speaks to you :pray:t3: "…


Sapien medicine…It is thanks to you that I am here today and that I have become a luminous person :pray::heart::sunny:

We are a beautiful family that is growing more and more :heart:.
I will do my best to contribute to the good things of this forum and continue to give a lot of love :heartbeat::sunny::infinity:.

Thank you Sammy, captain nemo and to all of you. I send you a lot of love :pray::heart:.