Ohh okay thanks so much for clarifying Angel!
Basically, if you think like you’re seeing some mythological/fantasy creature, it will help you a lot facing them? I mean I would describe myself as scaredy cat that even sleeps with the lights on. I wonder what would happen If I were to see them everyday!? I do have strong healing abilities and clairvoyance but need training and facing fears!!
What about watching a lot of horror movies, would it be able to train my guts or not?
Dont do that, its gonna mess you up.
The scarier it “looks”, the weaker it is.
They just shapeshift to scare you.
The actual scary ones arent around that much and are very rare, dont worry about it.
Be positive to attract positive.
@Samurai Probably we need something like the boggart from the Harry Potter movies, to overcome our fear.
@Angel with your clairvoyance, are you able to see extraterrestrial beings too?
Unfortunately, I’ve never seen an extraterrestrial being… But I’m sure I’ll see it one day, they must be amazing!
Dont force these lovely people lol
Force is happening whether we like it or not. We are being forced around the sun every year. We are forced with daylight and night everyday. The nature of things is telling you to stop fearing, let go and enjoy the unknown!
David R Hawkins would like to have a word with you
Power vs Force
Ah lol yes its the power that we cannot control
Do you see these things with your eyes or in your mind? I’m pretty sure I’ve seen all these but not with my eyes in my mind I think the first one I usually see while I’m on shrooms except it’s not small and fat looking I can’t ever really see it but I can tell it’s big, red and has horns but I can’t really see it like I can but I can’t if that makes any sense this never happened to me till I started meditating my third eye I was always told you see it with your eyes but I see that some people don’t see with their eyes they’ll get visions or images whatever you wanna call it like I’ve been getting
What kind of training?
Is there anything you could recommend please?
Wow your stories are so interesting! Do you think the “fictional” monsters and things from media are based on people sensing these creatures with their 3rd eye somehow but not realizing that they’re seeing them?
Also, when you see the ones latched onto people, are you able to help release them? What do you do?
Probably difficult to do so.