Heat Wave!🥵 - fields?

Hello folks!, I’m literally felling like if I’m sitting next to Volcano! it’s so damm hot out here!

could you guys please recommend any field or an stack that can aleast cool down the body temperature or even help with the environment?

for the record I even tried to find a post from @anon73693188 a awhile ago about something related with the aura field but I can’t recall…

anyways… thanks!.


The kinetic quasi crystal and the cold water therapy come to mind


thanks Jen! do you know exactly what the kinetic quasi crystal could do for a better :cold_face:, I’m little bit curious about it! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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that was exactly the post that I was referring! cheers!


I’m not sure :) but it’s a popular comment in the thread that people feel cooler after using it.


One that never fails me and works right away is the Precambrian Era audio on Dreamseeds. It subsidies like 10 mins after so you kinda have to have it on loop if you need to but it lowers the temperature way down. Or you can program a Servitor to gather 100/200 hours worth of energy from the ambience depattern it and repattern it with the energy of PE and then to keep infusing and egoring you and the area you are in with it. For this you have to play a couple of loops while “teaching it” what energy you want it to copy/repattern the energy with, and you can actually program it to do that every time you tell it something like “so and so ---- name of your servitor ---- please start the cooling effect task”

Dark Servitors are greaaaat for that too.

Apart from my love KQ :heart_eyes: which does the same but steadily increasing not as fast as the PE, i also recommend big time the Enviromental Transformer Servitor on Patreon.

Always always does it for me, i usually ask him to lower the temperature 2 or 3 degrees and it does it takes like 5 to 10 mins to really feel, you can then tell it please keep it at that for the rest of “my day” or until i tell you to stop.

I find that it does not work if you ask any of the servitors like “do it for a week, or every day or for this summer” even if you tell them “know that from now without me having to remind you” nah :sweat_smile: even Skull lol but thats ok, hours at a time they def can keep up.


If your problem is heat, look below


Have you tried it?

That field did actually not work for me one bit lol


I didn’t try it, I just reported the message


Ah ok but lets try to advice on fields that we have actually confirmed they work for what its asked :)


Yes, true.


I actually tested precambrian just several minutes ago, gradually the temperature feels a lot colder (in an air conditioned room) however no one around me reported feeling colder. I am wondering if this field changes a person’s perception of temperature instead of altering the environmental temperature. Going to conduct more tests soon.

Too bad PU’s temperature file doesn’t really work (I have tried) unlike his other work, also waiting for an update. If there is any file that lowers ambient temperature and does not work on individual level (like engaging with a person’s aura) that would be super great.


Interesting :thinking:

One of my sisters tried and when she did she was with her daughter who was watching TV, her daughter didnt know what My sister was playing, the volume was not high because my niece was watching tv and she actually mentioned it to my sister at some point like, uyy its cold now. And she was at the time like 9 years old.

Maybe they didnt notice because the room had already the ac on? So they might have not been paying attention really but you were so you noticed.

It would be interesting to play it on loop without the ac lol that def would tell us if others feel it for real haha

And now that i remember the Selenite cave audio on Energetic Alchemy made me feel chilled too (after a few loops)

And this one too but not so much


There’s a comment on the Sylph thread that she lowered temperature in the person’s room


Good idea, I am going to conduct a controlled test in my study tonight.


Try this


Very limited copies, please suggest something that is more readily available.

Plus we are just into the temperature lowering aspect


after your post I went straight to the Precambrian Era audio and boyyyyyy… I felt it tremendously!, but like @Moonhaw mentioned, I only felt if was embedded on my aura and not at the environment, I did ask my GF if she felt any different and she didn’t even notice anything.

I will conduct a test with the KQ and see what’s the effect with it.

thanks Luna! it helped a lot!


I did tried the air conditioner from P.U, at the first time it worked perfectly but only for like 5 min or less I even loop that for a long period, it’s not that effective! hope that P.U could update that ASAP!