Helen of Troy - The Ultimate Women's Beauty NFT

I’m interested :slightly_smiling_face:

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I am interested in being involved:)

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Yes I would like to be a part of this project.

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Ladies is project still on? What do we do next? :green_heart:

Yeah good to go, I’ll get Captain and all of you in the group for the designing process.

It will be a public NFT


Since it will be public, is there any limit to how many are in the group?

Yes :sparkling_heart::tulip:


Those who voted will be added, as keep the circle of designers small I feel is best for efficient production.

Plus you and others had shown strong interest, so there’s that too.

Anyways we start soon.
Group to be made, ping me here if I haven’t gotten to it by Sunday.


Hey group members, :heartpulse::dove::crossed_swords::yellow_heart::sunrise::cherry_blossom:🧝‍♂
Add a layer of protection, like invisibility cloak from stalkers, maybe venom for beauty thieves and a dagger against agression. Only assets traditionnaly used by woman. :nail_care:
Beauty also comes with down sides, you have to be carefull of those before reaching the beauty heights.
Also, think of Narcissus. Before getting to your ideal make sure you can handle it.
Plus, why not awarness for vulnerable points, and protection of intimacy.
My two cents :crossed_swords::dragon::dove::mountain_snow::dragon_face::heartpulse:🤌


Also beware your beauty does not become a source of conflict, unlike in the myth.

Like loyalty to your partner, things like that.

And if you are interested in a 360 approach, add some elements that are more on the energetic side.
Maybe Aphrodite’s attributes would facilitate the process : doves, mirors, seashells, belts, apples, roses, myrtles, poppies and carnation (you can check it out on wikipedia)

Have fun :yellow_heart::crossed_swords::dove:


@Abcd sounds very good :sunny::four_leaf_clover::herb::ok_hand: I hope we all can start be more active about making it .

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Anyone of the women who were in Awaked Woman Project Group, please also make sure that the ideas you collected there, will also make it into this one and so that this material and work doesn’t get lost. Thank you.


Addition to the other suggestions: protection against projection of fetish. If you get to look like a pin-up and you end up being treated like one you won’t be happy.

@Andromeda :relaxed::love_you_gesture::dragon_face: My participation to the project will probably stop here. I cannot participate to a group, I am sorry I do not have time to be fully commited and be a nice co-member of the group atm (if that was an invitation :thinking::joy::dragon::sparkles::yellow_heart::mount_fuji::fog::dolphin::call_me_hand::cherry_blossom:)


@Abcd thank you for great suggestions and please if anything else comes up let us know …i​:four_leaf_clover::sunny::sparkles::hibiscus:


@Andromeda I will, thank you :partying_face::two_hearts::relaxed::star::sparkles::dragon:

Resuming in few days again

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Interested. Can I join?

I am so curious about what you girls have made in this project, I have seen it on the SapienShop. Hope you’re happy with your process and results :two_hearts::dove::sparkles::herb::blossom::bouquet:🧚‍♀ :love_you_gesture:🪬 :crescent_moon::sparkles::ringer_planet: