Hello Community

Please suggest some field or subliminal to make my face soft and feminine. Im a woman but I have this issue since childhood that my face looks masculine. I’d like to be feminine and attractive. Please suggest something for me. Thanks.


who told you that your face was masculine?

beauty is subjective and two people will have differing opinions on looking at the same thing.

we grow up with media that connects our subconscious brain to what looks ‘feminine’, what looks 'masculine, what looks ‘ugly’ and what looks ‘attractive’.

before physically changing how you look like right now, i suggest to change your perception first.

easier to mold clay when it is soft and malleable than when it is already heated and dried.

the soft clay is your mind while the hard clay is your physical appearance.

i would suggest the following:

once you see your unique beauty is when you can take the next step and go the physical route. it will be easier to make physical changes when your mental state is accepting and free of limiting beliefs.


I’m going to suggest you add Become Whole to the above excellent recommendations.


Thank you so much for your reply and great suggestions.
Since my childhood most of people would comment i had boy features and face shape… Even now when i’m in my late 40’s people would comment same.
I don’t care about others basically i myself like to be feminine with attractive woman features.
Do you suggest charisma and glamour field in my case?

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Thanks alot. I have added that as well.


i understand. when i was a child i grew up with everyone validating me only when i looked manly or did manly things.

i always wanted to express myself more feminine and look more feminine, but i would always get disapproval from others.

because i had no tools and no idea that i could deny their opinions back then, the patterns stayed with me.

now that i have grown with experiences and tools that assist me in changing my perception of myself, i am treated more and more feminine and others see me more the way i want them to see me.

yes that is a great field for you!


Beautiful thoughts beautiful answer🙏🏻Thanks.


Ok thanks i.m buying this now.


Whilst it’s none of my business, I’m going to kindly suggest you examine that statement of yours. When you think about it, you’ll notice that for a large chunk of your day (like–98%?–of it) you are not able to see your face. Again, none of my business.

You already are…until you tell yourself that you aren’t. You see, it’s not your face which is the “problem” (too strong a word). Your thoughts of your face is the problem, which is what makes @psynergy’s suggestions so perfect for you.

Always a fun field. Can’t hurt.


Very insightful answer. I’m proud of my beautiful sensible community.

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Add Kitsune mandala

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Thanks but i don’t have this field. :disappointed:

It’s on Sapien’s Instagram. (Hint: Search for that, using the handy Search function of this forum. The Search function is that magnifying glass you see in the top right corner of every page of the forum. Check it out!)

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O wow thanks.

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