Hi everyone, I’m excited to be part of the Enlightened States community. Started listening to the fields a month ago and they are working their magic without fail. Thanks to all who are involved in the project. Your work is a blessing to all.
Welcome to the forum Venu. The fields are amazing aren’t they. The forum is awesome to and full of amazing knowledge. Enjoy.
Welcome Venu and how kind of you to bless us with your precence!
Wecome @venu!
This is the early morning stack that I’m trying from tomorrow:
Hyper State Sleep x1
Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning x1
Energy Blockage Removal x1
Subconscious Limits Removal x1
Ego Dissolution x1
Higher Self Connection x1
Plasma Light and Bioactive Infrasound beach x1
Uplift yourself, people you meet and the world x3
Automated Grounding x3
Any suggestions?
Hi ! @venu
What’s your favorite field?
Yes i have some suggestions for you.
Switch the Deep Aura clearing with Hyper State Sleep because the deep aura clearing will remove all morphic fields you listened to in the past 3 hours, which means it will clear out hyper state sleep.
Also put Ego Dissolution and Subconscious limits Removal right after to enhance the effects of other fields.
Here is how your stack should be ideally:
Energy Body Clearing x1
Ego Dissolutionx1
Subconscious Limits Removal x1
Energy Blockage Removal x1
Plasma Light & Infrasound Bioactive Beach x1
Hyper State Sleep x2
Higher Self Connection x1
Uplift yourself, people you meet and the world x2
Automated Grounding 3x
I think this stack should work wonderfully for you. Also good job on making your stack short and minimizing the audios as much as possible. I see many new members here who have a stack with 20 or more audios so you are pretty reasonable in limiting your fields.
Aside from all of that, welcome to the forum @venu and I hope you can enjoy it here. Feel free to ask questions!
Welcome home !
The Plasma Light an Bioactive Infrasound Beach is the one.
I also very much enjoy the whole Mental Health album a lot. The tracks are amazing, the fields also.
Hi @lol! Your feedback is very much appreciated!
I will adjust the stack and start relishing it from tomorrow.
Thanks @Sazza! The fields are something out of this world. We’re so fortunate
Hi! Happy to be in you association @Aradyba.
Hey @akkar! I’m happy to be here.
Thanks! Home sweet home
“Respectful greetings”
This kinda respectful behavior will get you flagged bro.
You gotta learn to be disrespectful. That’s the only way to go.
P.S. Welcome to the forum!
Thanks! Guess this is working.
hi @venu , welcome among us
Welcome. Finding Sapien Medicine is Spiritual Initiation given to those who have reached a certain level of consciousness IMO. God bless.
Thanks. You are awesome
Thanks @Gnosticmedic27. No doubt about that.