Help for the elderly 80 years

What list of audios do you recommend for elderly people over 80 years of age. I was thinking of soft but effective audios that mainly restore respiratory and digestive heart function. Some take many medications for different illnesses.
He also asked how to use the audios to send healing energy at a distance.
Thank you very much brothers. All of your responses are of great value to me.


Just think of her when you listen to it

This is sigil card that you can activate by saying " Healing activate "


Can I print this label and keep it together with the photograph of the person I want to cure?

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You need to activate the attunement card first and next day activate any other youd like. And you need to activate the say healing card every time you want it to work on you or someone else

Dreamweaver Card System


Heart Inflammation Reduction
Brain and Spine Antioxidant Complex
Lung Antioxidant Field
Vitamin C
Heart Restoration
Enhanced Blood Circulation

My intuition says try:
Mstates: Gold & Silver and Rhodium & Copper

Also: Senescent Cell Removal
Dhea Boost-only in the A.M.


The first four benefit the brain, which is the master control unit for most things in the body.

These help regenerate organs in the digestive system. They all seem easy enough to me, but people vary

This last digestive field can cause intestinal distress, but it is otherwise quite good.

I think these four fields have a nice tonic effect


The Politics of The Body album is pretty gentle and benefits the whole body.
I definitely second Senescent Cell Removal.
The Bushman Medicine (I find myself recommending this for everyone lol)
Alchemical Jing Charged Blood (the elderly are jing deficient). The body dies when there is no more jing left.
Anti Aging (off Patreon)


these along the above recommendations
hakuin’s healing egg would be nice too

use enhanced nutrient absorption, food charger and enhancer and infrared and plasma light drink charger