Help! Why is my Environmental Transformer Servitor showing to me as sick?

Edit: here is a more organized format of my questions… I edited my post so it is more easily read…

  • What can I do if the ETS shows to me as sick? Is there some place to send him or a word that restores him back? This happened so quickly…

  • what other protections can be placed around the Environmental Transformer Servitor to protect him from harm?

  • Is it true the ETS energies are “recycled” so to speak? They come from the same one, so is not the “same,” but restored and output as new?

I didn’t know this was possible. He usually blends seamlessly by the outside of my bedroom, about two days ago I got the message that he would like to be around water. I asked my team to lead me to some low cost or free water fountains I could put in the front by his roost.

This morning he came to me appearing woozy, dizzy, and out of sorts. Almost poisoned, like. The ‘air’ around him felt like an attack.

I thought maybe the water he asked for would help so I asked him to go to the water in the back while I figured it out. He was there for less than a couple of minutes and then appeared in my room with an entourage around him pointing at him. Shortly after he curled over and began melding/dissipating into the ground. :slightly_frowning_face: he was removed from the space, and then I felt an overarching clearing of my room, like a laser beam resolving the energies.

What kind of self hating :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: attacks an environmental servitor?? — I know who.

When I brought him into the space I asked him to stay out of “sight” of others because I live in a house of energy sensitive roommates with varying levels of disrespect…. and stupidity.

He had stayed out of “sight” so very well.


Every time I see this kind of post I get mad out of my mind. Usually I don’t get triggered. I don’t know if it could be anger that you put on the post. So my advice is to put that anger to good use.

Every time I always want to give the same advice but I’d rather keep things lighter. Not everyone is as dark side as me xD

But yeah it gets me mad to the point of just wanting to “teach them”.


I am letting my team handle it.


You were definitely in tune with the feelings. Do you have any suggestions for servitor protection?


Sadly nope. I’m not good at dealing with negativity. As you see I try to take revenge. Even if I created the negativity myself xD

I basically use servitors for protection so. I’m also a hermit so I don’t have many attacking me let alone servitors (glad that at least my physical enemies have zero awareness of all this).

But you seem to have a team and they are dealing with it? When it comes to handling negativity I always think of the dark servitor or Justice for All.

There is black mirrored stone too. Maybe if the servitor can benefit from fields let it use voodoo detangled and torsion field? I don’t know if they can benefit from torsion field though.It’s just what I thought about when thinking of coherence.

Other things bring coherence too, crystals energies, flower of life, etc. Since it seems the attack made it lose it’s stability and “coherence” that a morphic field should have.


You’re funny, thanks for the much needed laugh.

This is thoughtful. I wish I would have known this prior! I feel gutted for the Environmental Servitor. It is not right. He was there to keep the energies of the visitors at the front door from coming into my bedroom and keep the front door peaceful. I was experimenting with him to see if he could help balance the flora of that wall he resided in. It had water damage in the past and despite my measures to keep the air quality clean, I still had allergies. He did very simple, natural, undisturbing work! Someone who finds it easy and worthwhile to attack a servitor like that is ……. Anyways…

I suppose I should make it a point to regularly play the fields you mentioned and others that bring coherence, and like a regular “crystal cleanse,” do a regular “servitor coherence strengthening.”

I appreciate your input, Drift :blossom:


I basically use servitors for protection so. I’m also a hermit so I don’t have many attacking me let alone servitors (glad that at least my physical enemies have zero awareness of all this).

This is great!


@moderators Could I have an official thought about this? I am still gutted about what happened with this servitor. While I have read about them withering away from nonuse, I was not aware someone’s attack could “kill” them, so to speak. What’s the best way to protect the Environmental Transformer Servitor from heavy blows, or any of them, really? I will put into place the suggestions by Drift, but I don’t feel right initiating another in its place until I know for certain what to do next in regards to the way they were created and intended.

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@SammyG @Dreamweaver Could I have your thoughts on this servitor problem please.


The environment servitor, is just meant for environment cleaning and healing.
They arent built to fight or defend.

If the area you are in is that hostile, then maybe your environment requires something else to use.
Not something that is gentle.


Thank you, this is an eye-opening experience for me about my environment, seeing it for what it is. I will look into other servitors. Thank you for your reply, @Dreamweaver


Check this one


Holy — ALL that is Holy — that is incredible. THANK YOU for sharing! I don’t have the funds for that now but this definitely is what I need. I suppose this can be applied to the created Patreon servitors as well (the ones in the book)?

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No, this ability is only for the Etherforge servitors.


Thank you for informing me SilverZuzu! I’ll have to plan for these ones.