Help with musophobia

Hi, I have extreme phobia of rats, mice and from them anything that moves very fast no matter the colour of the object. But the underlying phobia is that of rats and mice.

My phobia is so bad and becoming worse now that even little sounds that may resemble like rats in the walls, or even scurrying sounds in the night, makes my heart pound, and I don’t go to sleep.

Please suggest fields for my phobia.


If you realise that they’re running bcoz they’re afraid of you, you won’t have any phobia.


Not so easy, I watch horror movies, horror and paranormal clips before going to bed and have a good night sleep but the sound of a rat in the wall or outside is pure dread.

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Have you tried the amygdala field? Also, there’s a Confidence + Fear Reduction mandala on this forum. It might help.


No, will try.


It seems like you have OCD too.
Sapien has an audio (Youtube) for that
Listen to his mental health album.
If you have money, then get The Shamanic Medicine Blend.

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De-Inhabiter combo then two loops of jing and one loop of mana circuits. do it daily! Good luck!

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Thanks @Unbreakable and @Sarumann33.

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Hello Sarumann,

Would you please elaborate why you suggested this particular combination?
I say this because I found it very intriguing and think I can use it on another situation…

Thank you

First off stop watching negative or anything that is low vibrational before going to sleep. From what I understand shortly before going to sleep your subconscious opens up somewhat and when you are fully asleep your subconscious is fully open.

So what I’m saying is, if you are going to watch something negative or scary like this, do it when you are like wide awake in the middle of the day.

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