Help with tags

I have matchmaker and prosperity tag from August but I haven’t the results I wanted … I mean I still not have a girl despite chatting a lot and talking to girls (still find me weird)and not something great with money…do you think if I buy the subconscious limited tag will help the fields to work like the description says?thanks soo much .I appreciate sapien team so much that’s why I asked with love​:heart::heart:

That is one particular tag you got there my friend.

First. Kunda Proceeds to rebel: HEAR ME! THIS IS NOT A DAMN CHICK MAGNET

This will attract, nonetheless, people that vibe similar to yours. So if you are “weird” as per your definition, which is actually rare, it will attract those rare individuals. However, the attraction is also largely based on the perception of youself. If you view yourself as weird, ugly, i.e., what vibes are you pushing out?
What I mean is that there is also a lot of subconscious limitations happening in the background, which need to be attended for the manifestations to occur.

For attraction to happen, you can’t really repel your self image nor find yourself weird. Why? Because as a matter in fact, you are placing a wall between you and the other people. You are already establishing that they will not be attracted to you. I guess that’s weird, huh? :wink:

So, understand that matchmaker is about alignment to your vibes and feelings about yourself, as if anything it will attract like minded individuals.
This is to say, that it is a field that does not remove you of your own inner work. As in, you can’t go around thinking yourself shit, and wondering why nobody’s attracted to that. Sorry for the bluntness.

So, with those concepts of vibes, feelings, vibrations, you should be able to grasp which type of person is trying to attract.

In my opinion:
You really need to build yourself. After YOU do YOU, the rest of the work gets done , effortessly. But right now, it might be that you are not helping the tag to help you.

The subconscious limits removal audio is precisely for addressing that inner part, which could assist you. Nonetheless, I’d use amygdala healing audio also.
As for prosperity, to hold that vibe you need to be in an abundance and gratitude state. Use Love, gratitude and appreciation audios, Love gravitational wave and especially remove the inner blocks.

Only then your overall being changes. The tags if anything are trying to push a new vibe onto you, but right now you need to work on yourself. Then all of their work is done, regardless of you, I’d say.

The SLR tag largely helps with this