Hi guys looking for some health advice if anyone could help

I have aggressive Rheumatoid Arthritis and I’ve had it ten years, I’ve had my finger joints replaced already about 5 ops on my knees. It’s become really aggressive and I have tried all the biological medication available about 12 I’ve been on, they are the last on the list of available treatments and they all attempt to suppress your immune system in different ways. This last 6 months I’m barely able to walk, get out of bed or even lift the kettle. I feel like I can’t go on living if the pain is going to be this bad for the rest of my time. All my joints have deformed and stayed swollen for years I am 36 now. I’ve contacted Sapien on Instagram and he recommended lost of his treatments to try and especially the immune reversal. I initially seen an improvement but sadly not anything now and I listen to these all night, like
Immune reversal
Advanced healing
Pain control
I even have been trying the PTSD due to early life trauma (losing both parents at 16) I then fostered my brother and sister 12 & 14 for ten years when I was 17 and losing my parents and the pressure of responsibility really affected my mental health, I was unable to function and was diagnosed with Anxiety and OCD the anxiety and stress nearly killed me I remember thinking there is no way I can be this anxious and stressed and it not show outwardly on my body and then about a year or two later Rheumatoid Arthritis makes an appearance x
I’m really feeling completely defeated I wondered if anyone had any other things to suggest I could try?
Thanks for reading xxx


Have you tried this specifically for that


The Point of No Return stacks and/or field, as well as the various fields for healing the various mental and emotional conditions you’ve shared with us.

(And if you’re wondering why I started there, it’s because you yourself brilliantly made the connection:

Good for you, for making so wise!)


Ahh that’s a good idea, I will definitely add to my list, thank you so much xx


I believe in you, you got this my friend, you have the willpower to do anything and to accomplish anything, remember there are always people supporting you and I am one of them

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Also listen to the Nerve Growth Factor to completely reset your nervous system (in turn reversing anxiety, by promoting nerve growth in relation to the parasympathetic nervous system)


If you haven’t already tried Restoration From The Long Haul. On Patreon. Tesla was a super genius. Or an alien. Some still swear by the violet ray device. The violet ray is in this field.


Dear you. :heart:
Sorry you have to go thru all this.
Just know that our body has enormous powers to heal!
So does yours!

Take whatever feels right to you of these suggestions. We all are different & respond different. " one size never fits all".

  1. Clinical Hypnotherapy for traumas. Very effective. Unresolved/ trapped emotions can really be a co factor to physical conditions
  2. anti inflammatory food
  3. Nerv Growth Factor Field.
  4. Far Infrared
  5. sellf love. Becoming Whole. Forgivness
  6. dont overuse fields. ( a subconsious belief of not enough/ more is better). I think Dream says 4 fields/ day. Space is where everything grows. Give yourself permission to leave space for the fields to work.
  7. affirmations. We all have a inner chatt/ dialog , why not turn it to something strengthening.
    These affirmations is from Louise L Hays book " How to heal your life" she had a belief we can co create dis- eade ( without adding guilt to it).
    Affirmations for Reumatism.

“I am my own Authority. I create my own experiences. Since I love, accept & approve of myself , my experiences gets better and better every single day.
Life supports me. I am supported.”

I have added affirmations when using the fields.
As an example;
When i listen to the Scoliosis Field i affirm
" i stand straight &;powerfull in my own body…life supports me. I support & nurture myself. I am whole & complete. I am safe & secure"…
I feel the fields gets stronger.
I also never overuse …
I use fields maybe 3- 4 times/ week. To me , i get great results quicker when doing so. :smiley:

My best wishes to you


P.s minerals are important. Try Trace Mineral Drops. Aswell as Omega 3. & Vit D+k. C vit Dr Mercola …c vit is a miacle suppl . Dream has a C vit field aswell

Also maybe try Yin Yoga/ Restorative Yoga. A very calm version of getting your circulation going+ deep breathing ( makes your blood in the right ph).
Try Yoga Ranger Studio on YT ( free)… i love her soothing voice + she has great knowledge on how meridians works in our body


Thank you so much❤️

Oh yes I have that downloaded already, I was going to try it for getting over long covid. I shall definitely try this x

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Oh wow great idea, I definitely think overwhelming anxiety set it off for sure. Also my flares don’t correspond with flaring up when I catch viruses or cold etc-like the textbook says my stress levels definitely set it off x

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Oh brilliant I have never heard of that, I’ll order that today. Thank you so much x

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That’s a good point I didn’t think about that, I do feel as if I need to use them every night to get the full effects. I should try changing my routine definitely thanks for that, I have screenshot your list and I intend to work through all of it. Thank you soo much x

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I hope some of the things might help you. Just try to get to know your own body/ mind/ spirit…it will lead you in the right directions.( get out of your mind)
I would never loop a field during night. The night is for recovery.( naturally. )
As i said. I just share my personal experience & point of view. We all are different.
I have deep respect for energy fields and only use them when i need assistance. And then months can pass by…


My favourite field…it has almost also totally healed my pollenallergy as a great bonus!!


It’s amazing for stress, anxiety, depression, etc.!


Yes!! I actually started to use it last year after a spinal & neck accident…got results i even wasnt aware of! ( Anxiety, IBS, allergies) He should get a Medical Nobel Prize for this field :smiley:


I know this thread was written in April but I just thought I’d add something from myself. Since you’re open to alternative medicine I’d highly recommend bioenergy healing by Zdenko Domancic. The therapy is amazing in a way that you can get help remotely and it’s charity based so it’s not like you pay hundreds per session. There are mamy people who will be willing to help you. I belong to a group of therapists so let me know if you want me to ask any of them if they can get you a therapy remotely :blush: Also maybe have a look online what this therapy is about and maybe you’ll be able to find a therapist in your area. Lots of love !:heart::four_leaf_clover:

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Oh yes that would be brilliant thank you xx

So I’m just about to ask on the group if there’s someone that could do a therapy for you. If there’s someone that speaks English and can do remote healing would you like that ?