Higher Self Connection advice

99% of humans have some sort of pleasure source, its the way humans are designed.

Even those that seem to be suffering alot have some form of pleasure.

You deny yourself dopamine for too long, and you’ll be surprised what new ideas and inspirations spring forth out of “nowhere”.


I might actually try to do this tomorrow

One day is good or should I go a whole week

As long as you last

If the music is too much, just do what I do lots of times, and have your dragon engorge you with the energies while you sleep. No noise, just energy. Works like magic. No pun intended.

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But what about just boosting 5x :crazy_face:


:( dang it

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don’t be greedy kiddo

Just give it time



I wish I had patience, it’s my worst quality

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Try meditation.

Helps calm the mind


What happens if you decide you want to look like a Greek God, so you go to the gym and try to lift all the weights at once? Is more always better?


Can’t stress this enough, I remember when I found dream I was hearing audios almost 24/7, quickly found less is more, there’s no rush


I wanna try to pick out 4 audios that I need the most but it’s so hard

You have sapien’s work for life. There is no rush :innocent:

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Sapien always has a fix !


Do it for Science man! This forum needs at least one case of Overboosting so the rest of us can learn from it! :laughing:

I boosted the higher self mandala 3 times and have it with me 24/7. Guess it depends on how developed your energy body is. I boosted it gradually not at once. I always encountered shaking on different body parts or the whole body. Was the ego. Well… sometimes it’s hard. Your body might hurt and ache sometimes thinking will be difficult cause of the strain. Of course the whole emotional rollercoaster that comes with higher vibrations too lol. Still gotta work on a lot of things but I can talk to my higher self easier now. Sometimes I think I’m still not listening properly (sorry HS lol) should use ego dissoluton more often. Anyway If someone wants to boost it please really just once and see how it affects you. I always boosted it only after the heavy shaking stopped lol.


“”"Still gotta work on a lot of things but I can talk to my higher self easier now."""

This is interesting, what it says to you usually? are his advices accurate ones for you, can he sometimes tell you what is for example right decision for you etc