Higher Self Connection advice

It is more difficult to rule yourself than it is to rule over a city

Jordan Peterson


Do u listen to the audio ever ?

Not anymore no

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But once you rule yourself, you will rule the city aswell ;)


I laughed to tears when I read this, just like with many of the other imageries you use. Not in a negative way.

Personally I like the cavalry effect because it avoids the experience to be too comfy, if you see what I mean. Personal tastes, at the end of the day.


Brahmacharya is part of it fyi.

No women, no fantasy, not even in dreams, no sexual pleasure.

Cold showers only, meditate 2 hours a day minimum, no technology.

Some more but you failed already ;D


Lol, youre connecting with the higher self, not charging into mordor on a giant eagle.

Its supposed to be comfy, relaxing, most importantly…“loopable” (is that a word?).

Meh, I just hope he remakes lucid dreaming so I can finally move on alreadyyyyyy


Good luck. Salute if you pass 2 days.

Btw, wearing other tags/fields and listening to audios minimizes the effects of the mandala, so it doesnt count as using it properly.


Is that you who’s saying this?? I have to check if Eye Regeneration is still working for me…

Let’s say then that it depends on whose higher self lol

(Loopable makes sense, in my modest English)


The higher self field is in the buzzing sound, not the “conquer the universe” music.

When the music starts, buzzing sound gets unhearable, therefore field isnt as efficient.
(I prefer to focus with all my might on the sound with the field, to maximize effectiveness)

Especially looping all night becomes a nightmare.

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I see what you mean.

Well in that case, let’s hope that you experience what I did: you know the newer probability and luck field on Bountiful Harvest? I loved the first music too but wished that it could be different for that one.

Totally personal thing.

2-3 days later, the music has changed lol (from the more 80’s style to the current one with brass instrumentation). Probability got altered lol


Dopamine detox basically?

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I’m addicted to this forum

So it will be impossible for me

Nothing is impossible.

Extremely difficult? Yes.

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Honestly I am thinking on going on a dopamine detox , my life is pretty boring though so I would be just staring at the walls for about 7 hours a day

99% of humans have some sort of pleasure source, its the way humans are designed.

Even those that seem to be suffering alot have some form of pleasure.

You deny yourself dopamine for too long, and you’ll be surprised what new ideas and inspirations spring forth out of “nowhere”.


I might actually try to do this tomorrow

One day is good or should I go a whole week