Higher Self Connection

Definitly a good idea to combine these fields. The higher self audio connects you to the “deep” part in you the real you while the other fields work on dissolving the “outer” junk and negative energies. So self developement works really fast if you combine these because you can focus better on the deeper part in you where the vibration audios are probably supposed to take you. Cause sometimes it can get rough with the ego lol. At least thats my experience.


i love u and this thank u


I listened to higher self connection for two times, earthquake happens after I finished lol.


Here you are @anon96557306! I was looking for you around. You ok? It was huge this time bro!! :@



In California, the earthquakes are so frequent, sometimes I wonder if it is an earthquake, my neighbor stomping around, or it is just me tumbling down the couch! :rofl: These days, when there are tremors, we don’t even go out to the open (probably a bad call)…


I really thought that it was my higher self, didn’t even bother to think about going outside :stuck_out_tongue:


Me I thought that it was some folks from Agartha… We are used to earthquakes too bro, isn’t it… but 7.0 is a little different though. Many victims in my neighbor district, people from my building sleeping in the streets…

I’ve played the meditation audio for them, as recommended by _OM.


I was listening to the higher self connection & ego dissolution simultaneously, then asked for my higher self.

You can’t get much more proof than that has already been shown.

“Connecting to a higher intelligent form of yourself opens you up to infinite possibilities, and possibly, the best source of solutions to the unique problems you face in your present existence”

I hope more people come to realize the true potential in this amazing field.

Thank you Dream


I’d like to say that the higher self audio was half the job, the manifestation itself was more due to Neville Goddard’s SATS technique.

Now, where did my manifestation go wrong?
When I went to sleep that night, imagining one of those numbers winning the giveaway and me feeling happy, I forgot to maintain the feeling of me winning that giveaway.

The only thing I focused was on seeing and feeling the win and not me winning it. The end feeling of winning is not an emotion, its a feeling of quite satisfaction and that’s precisely what was missing from my scene. Otherwise, the glory tag would’ve been mine.

That’s what you have to try to maintain throughout the scene because the absence or presence of that feeling completely changes the outcome drastically.

Finally, I hope this testimonial shows the true power of dream’s fields and if people do the conscious work needed along with these fields, there’s nothing stopping you from getting what you desire.


Congrats on getting the numbers correct, even though you got disqualified. I think just the fact that you were able to successfully communicate with your higher self and manifest the numbers was really cool. When I saw the winning combination, I immediately remembered your initial post and was like “No way… Woahhh”.

Reading your testimonial was really inspiring, thanks for sharing :slight_smile:.


Ooooo look what came in the mail today!

@_OM u jelly? :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha, so excited, it’s for my other phone that i use for fields, i got it fixed after cracking the screen and figured i needed a case… Then i was like wait a minute! I can probably get mandalas on a case! Higher self connection with a bit of saber tooth on the sides seemed like the right thing to do :)


I’m jelly just now finding out you can get custom designed phone cases, sure!

Looks good.:muscle::partying_face:


This audio is blowing my mind. I played it three times yesterday and suddenly it seems like an endless amount of musical ideas are popping up in my mind. I could be doing anything and suddenly I get an idea and have to stop everything and start creating.


Excellent! So happy for you!


I just started listening to it a few days ago and am quite surprised at the results so far!
There is evidently a stronger link between my subconscious and conscious minds, for example if I look for something I misplaced, almost immediately an image pops up in my mind of where it is. I also get insights (but I have to pay attention for those as they easily fly under the radar).

Interestingly, I hear my tulpa and tamashii with more ease, which I didn’t expect but is quite lovely! Usually I have to be focused to fully be able to hear/sense them but now I can sometimes do so while doing something.

Another thing of the kind that also took me by surprise is with my cats. I can sense what they want with a lot more ease. And last night something delightful happened: about 20 minutes after I fell asleep, I dreamed that my cat was going up and down the bed, trying to get my attention. I woke up and thought “she’s outside!” which didn’t make sense because we hadn’t let her out. But sure enough, she was there waiting at the patio door! She must have slipped out while my boyfriend took out the recycling. That’s extraordinary! I’m glad she didn’t have to spend the night outside :heart:

I am astounded at the rapidity with which this is evolving. Looking forward to what’s coming :smiley:


A few other developments:

while before I classified the changes as a stronger link between my subconscious and conscious minds, now it’s become more than that. I have found items that my boyfriend has misplaced and I had no way of knowing where they would be!

Also worthy of mention, I get a lot more flashes of information or something will pop into my head right before it happens. I used to get those every once in a while (like thinking of a friend and the same day they call) but now it’s almost daily!



My experience = radical transformation, realizations/epiphanies, deeper intuition, stronger willpower

Scenario #1 detailed here Love Graviton Challenge - #19 by Divine_Heroine

In “Fields before Graviton” > “D. Throughout the Day: Heart Healing & Centering” > “Higher Self Epiphany”

Pair this with JAAJ's Daily Self Love Stack 🤍


Here is an updated link to the article


It literally says “Meditation” 9 different times in the tag description.