In studying the culture and mythology of ancient Greece, one often encounters the concept of the “horn of plenty”, which is associated with several legends (By the way, in those days this symbol could be seen on minted coins as evidence of a prosperous country).
The horn of plenty was an attribute of several Greek and Roman deities, especially those directly associated with harvest, prosperity and abundance: the personification of the Earth (Gaia/Terra); the child Plutus (god of wealth and son of the grain goddess Demeter); the nymph Maya; Fortuna (goddess of fortune, who had the power to bestow prosperity).
In the cult of the Roman Empire, Roman deities who promoted peace and prosperity were also depicted with the horn of plenty (including Abundantia). “Abundance” also represented Annona, the goddess of Rome’s supply of grain to the city.
Hades (we are looking forward to this project), classic ruler of the underworld in mystical religions, was the giver of agricultural, mineral and spiritual wealth, in various sources often holding the cornucopia.
Esotericists love this symbol, relying on the hollow interior, which speaks of all acceptability and reproduction of everything that goes there.
The possessor of this horn with the support of the ancient gods is endowed with what he needs most at the moment: health, success, mutual feelings, financial prosperity, etc. An inexhaustible stream of gods’ gifts, an autumn harvest of fruit, prosperity, an attribute of Fortuna, Pluto and Dionysus.
This NFT - endless benefits of the material plane, spirituality, development and continued poverty-free existence. As a talisman, this NFT attracts good fortune and a prosperous life to its owner.
We endow this NFT with magical power that fulfills any wish. In ancient times it was believed, that a person possessing this attribute, will certainly be rich, and in his house will dwell good luck. It is also associated with the birth of a new life, combining female motherhood and male paternity.
The concept of total abundance and prosperity, the mindset and atmosphere of abundance with the support of the ancient gods, nymphs and history itself (and of course the powerful factor of luck - Fortune).
no long texts, we humbly ask the Captain to amplify this concept a thousand times :)