House cleansing

Dear sirs

What should I listen for cleansing house and property of negative energy and negative entities.


Atmospheric vibration riser is actually great for this and has a compounded effect, just loop it for a few hours

Even better if you get plasma flower


Energetic protection for your body

This to cleanse the environment. It spread over time


What is plasma flower

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New Release: The Plasma Flower


Do you want paid fields or only fields available on Youtube?
I always use more of the cleansing fields when I visit my parents house specially if I have just arrived there! I always start off with salt cleanse… then rest of cleansing stack. It goes something like this:

Salt cleanse
Repel Negative energy
Exorcism rite
Another round of Repel

How I see myself doing it would be also including some fields that are not labelled as environmental but in my experience they help with environment as well (and food!) so fields like Mana Circuits or Orgone Accumulator asking it to spread throughout the house.

After you have cleansed the environment you wanna infuse your house with a good filling… for this you wanna use environmental energy accumulator (to break up the patterns and infuse the place with clean ones that you can also shape as you’d like)

Then add any environmental fields you like!
Vibrational riser, Golden Frankincense and Myrrh, Blessings of the Hearth and Home, Love Graviton + Divine Love, Energy of Jade Maneko, White Light Waves, and Essence of Mantras :slight_smile:

I highly suggest you get something like Ye Old Negentropic Harmonizer… it will help you keep your cleansed and harmonized environment for longer and make your stay more pleasant, as well as what you experience within your house :slight_smile:

If you are up to paid fields: you have the deinhabitor combo that also includes an updated version of exorcism rite, plasma flower, feng shui, vastu homam… and some others perhaps:)


Honestly you could get the book of cards and not have to worry about having to use an arsenal of environmental cleaning fields. Make multiple and place them around your house. (PS this is just one of the tools the book comes with. There are many more.)