How do I undo/remove sapien med or any frequency/subliminal result?

How do I undo without listening to any “youtube subliminal removal” ? i’m imcompatible it subliminals or frequencies like many

“Many” are not “incompatible.” You are not incompatible either. You listened to too many/the wrong ones and your energy system isn’t where it needs to be. Learn some real energy cultivation practices. Also, don’t talk shit about things you don’t understand.

Qi Gong will completely cure this if you’re being truthful.

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Please show me your great reasons and don’t try to find ways to conjecture a no. Also try to prove many matters like this in your life see where it will lead you great master.

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I don’t need any “great reasons.” I understand what morphic fields ARE, I understand what subliminals ARE, and what they DO. I don’t have to show you any reasons whatsoever. I hope @SammyG boots you from this forum before your karma catches up with you. Namaste.


Say the name of your servitor. Then say “dispel”. Then say the name of the audio.

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Kryst on a kraken I hope this guy doesn’t have a servitor… Definitely don’t think he should create one.

will any qi gong do or is there a particular one suitable for it? and how long would it take? thanks :slight_smile:

I’m no expert in qi gong, but it gets the energy flowing so it’ll clear out any stagnant shit… and it’s highly likely that any perceived issues with “morphic fields” being a bad thing for him, even though they pervade ALL of nature, are due to long-term stagnant blockages in his energy body.

I’d say yoga would be a close second, with tai chi a not-so-distant third.


Let’s make an aggression thread then, or an aggression day


No need, all is already there, I hope at least lol

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lol this thread was making me cranky before anyone else even posted…sooo yeah… let’s transmute that energy


Seduction magic flow has a Flush Anyone Fast MP3 that could do what you are looking for.

Yeah but it uses frequencies/subliminals/morphic fields, so it’s “incompatible” with his body. :stuck_out_tongue: