How do you deal with energetic vampires?

You know, those people that always seem to drain you off somehow. I know there’s a lot of ways, I’m just curious, what’s yours?

Scare them away.


first step i had to learn was recognize if they’re being conscious or unconscious of their energy towards me.

if possible, i always do my best to cut the conversations and interactions with them as short as respectfully possible.

my last and final thing i love to do is just be honest with how they make me feel. i love it when they make a scene in public so i can tell everyone exactly where i stand with them. of course i’d love to settle it privately first, but it doesn’t seem to happen that way with me.


Not the most detailed of advice, but
unconscious or not (the attacker) if the flavor of the energy they like, were to change, they may find it distasteful. and remove themselves.
Old method of breaking energy problems and curses was burning sulfur.
Sulfur stinks…


I just got a thought, combating negativity with love, I think that’s the answer I need, being so loving that the other person would be disgusted to keep trying to leech… is that kinda what you’re talking about?

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Yeah I know about the sulfur, lol. I just thoufht about combating with the polar opposite, something like that

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in my personal opinion, phrases like “killing them with kindness” doesn’t work unless you genuinely mean it. in my experience back in customer service the only times someone would change was when you told them your boundaries whether they were my coworkers or customers.

call them out on how they act towards you in a questioning way like “why do you say this about me?”. in my experience, they will do whatever it takes to keep you the same way as they met you.


Yeah, it must be genuine of course, genuinely loving them unconditionally, think it would kinda set em off

It works more so only if you are on a level beyond them in energetic development and control,
While all things generally you think from your own perspective.
He is a guy like me, looks scrawny even (for example). He she or it, probably hasn’t just started doing that ‘energy drainage’. So in terms of development it may be a lot more than you think.
A needy person, for whatever reason, may extend and draw that same energy unconsciously that you are offering with a personal love flavor, It will be transformed for them. Its still at its base level, the same exact thing they were feeding on. Which is your personal energy.


yes i agree with what you’ve said as that’s been my experience.

and how i see it, we could also be the energy vampires for others and not realize what we’re doing to them.

communication is really key here and i think should take priority over listening to audios and fields (they for sure help though like etheric cord cutter). we live in a physical reality after all and physical actions see more results whether intended or unintended.

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Sharing is your choice, taking against someone’s wishes is not what the person would appreciate.


Garlic against negative entities