How it works

Somebody said Morphic fields work through aura and that you can listen with low volume, somebody said again u need to hear morphic fields to work. I’m wondering which one is true?

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Try listening at a really low volume, so that you can barely hear the music. Then you try to listen to the music by “reaching out” with your hearing. This will lower your resistance to the field and make it more effective.

Do the audio morphic fields work on a deaf person?

Read this thread, it will give you the answer.


Thanks, but i’m afraid it doesn’t answer my question. So it works through aura, or we need to hear the sound, or what? If it works through aura then you don’t need to put any sound (somebody said the morphic fields will still work even without any sound). And if it works through sound… then there’s 2 possibilities, either we need to hear it OR the sound carry the field, by that logic then the soundwaves make the field, and you need certain soundwaves to make a field. Which means it doesn’t affect the aura at all…? Or the field affect the atom and then affect the aura? Or the soundwaves affect the aura? Btw i’m not a troll xD i’m really just curious, nothing more. I already use sapien medicine for months and i’m still using it to this day.


Basically, the energy is encoded in the sound. The sounds carry the field. Let’s say you are playing a field but are watching TV at a high volume to the point that you can’t hear the field, it will still work. The reason for this is that your phone is emitting the field which will reach your aura. By increasing the sound, you are increasing the radius of the fields reach. As long as the device playing the field is close to your aura, the field will still work, even if inaudible.


So… you need a “sound” to carry the fields? So no sound = no field? If no sound = no fields, then the sound BASICALLY make the fields? What makes a “field”? The field has a sound itself, or the field is a field? So there’s no field without sound, but there’s sound without field. Or a field can be made without sound? Btw thanks for replying. Again i’m not a troll i’m just curious


A field can be made without sound. The reason why Sapien has sound is so that his videos are not taken down or something like that. The fields are programmed in the sound. This means that the you cannot have the video on mute as that will make it so that no field is being emitted. The fields, however, work through aura. You don’t need to consciously hear the fields for them to work, they just need to be playing. The reason why you would need to increase the sound is the it increases the radius of the fields, meaning that you can be farther away from your device and the field will still work. If you want a field to work while playing it at a very low volume to the point where you can’t hear it, then you should be close to your phone so that the field can reach your aura. I hope this helps


Thanks for replying. However i’m still curious, if you can make a field without sound, what create a “field” then? What “matter” is carrying the field? (I hope my questions can help the other skeptical people)


Good question. A field is a pattern of information emitted through energy. Everything has a morphogenetic field.

You can read more about morphic fields and how they are made from these blogs:

Also welcome to the forum @THF!


The fields in the sound interact with the field in your body (for example, testosterone field) i think. But i don’t know.

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That makes sense! Thanks. So you’re telling me it affect the aura, or our morphic field is the “aura”?

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Thanks for welcoming and replying me @lol


No idea bro.

Here is a great video explaining a bit more about Morphic Fields


Correcting the links above:

Hi @AKilgo!

Welcome Queen of Cups