How much melody can influence experience with a field?

So, today I was listening to the Mental Health album and when Forgiveness and Release started I felt quite deep sadness. I though this maybe was a clue

However contemplating on forgiveness and looking for someone who I’ve never forgiven (including myself), any particular situation etc, nothing comes to mind, total blankness.

I’ve always been very senstive to emotional content of music, for example if something have an inspiring mood I can listen to it multiple times and every time I get almost the same result.
The emotion start and ends whith the music I’m listening to, so nothing strange.

The melody on this track sound very sad to me.

I was wondering how much you think that the melody itself in an audio field can influence your reaction to it (for example the old Forgiveness is quite neutral to me), and maybe the results you get from it.

Or if, for example in my case, you think it does necessarly mean I have some very deep unseen forgivness issues to let go of.


Beautiful thread, beautifully written. I won’t go much into details because otherwise it will remind me my daily job and endless debates with colleagues lol (we include music and other art forms in our psychotherapy work).

But in brief:

100% for me. If I don’t like the music or the sound (happens rarely with Captain and his collaborators’ work… but happens sometimes though tbh), I know that no matter how much people praise the effects of the field in question, no way for me to stick with it.

Memory has several “layers”, as you know. Some play hide and seek. I’ve experienced something similar to your situation. I was like “hell… what is this big blank?!”

A few months later, pooof, I’ve found out that the problem was vanished in the haze… without me noticing it during the process.


I totally agree with @Bronyraur

The more I love the melody the easier it is for me to get lost in the music. Besides some of the old fields that have the continuous drone sound in them I actually like all of Dream’s audios and others I absolutely love. :heart_eyes:

The one that I am resonating the most with right now and which also happens to be the one that triggers a tinge of sadness in me is the “Meno-un-pause” audio. Not too sure why it makes me a tad sad :thinking: Maybe it’s my body responding to the audio with an emotion… “oh there you are you beautiful hormones, I’ve missed you sooo much!!” :wink:


Completely agree with @Bronyraur @Jennyfire!

If I don’t like the sound of the audio, it does seem to increase the subconscious resistance to such tracks. If I enjoy the track, I am not just passively listening to it, but actively engrossed in it, physically, and emotionally, and that really makes the fields super effective for me. This seems especially true for spiritual audios.

A dear friend, Jacotte Chollet (who has produced a few albums) began experiencing this deep connection between music/melody - energy and emotions - and experimented a lot on the power of a melody - and documented (thanks to her clairvoyant gifts) her sights of seeing energy transform when the listener is emotionally invested in it.

Also, she also is big on “non-conceptual” melodies. Thanks to conditioning, we associate certain melodies with certain emotions, sort of like muscle memory. She is an adherent of training the mind’s “musical muscle” to get out of its comfort zone and experience sounds that initially sound harsh, but change to sounding melodic, once the “conditioning” is rewired. So, essentially, this is one way of “re-wiring” the brain. I have sometimes seen this happen with some Sapien tracks, which my “conceptual” mind does not initially like but eventually gets re-wired (except for Super Metabolism Boost :rofl: :smiling_imp:)


This is exactly what I was searching for lately, thanks!