How to be irresistibly sexy to other sex?

Little kids satisfy their early polymorphic sexual drive through several forms, their mouth (sucking their pacifier/mom/fingers) then anus/sphincter (retention and release) and later on they also masturbate their genitals.

Moms usually punish their kid’s behavior when they engage sexually with themselves or her, they cut it immediately (which is obvious why, incest prohibition is what underlies on the emergence of culture), and this is how castration is developed in the kid at an early age (sexual prohibition) and it starts to structure their own sense and understanding of sexuality through these codified prohibitions that become unconscious and repressed, and it will be relevant for their puberty and adulthood.



Being born attractive.


Solid advice lol :joy_cat:


Hi, Kundalini!
Light Angel welcome




I will add literally nothing to the conversation xD

Just that I always found that expression curious. I’d rather be resistibly attractive than irresistible.

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Tough question… this is assuming that all girls are the same … which they’re not: Vin Di Carlo Pandora's Box ( Complete PUA System) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Mystery Method/Venusian Arts is also a nice book to set a game plan … but, I really don’t recommend these books unless you’re desperate for sex because while they will get you some action, it will be a mercurial relationship/interaction where you spend the entire time analyzing things logically… it never is fun or rewarding … you’ll always be left thinking “wow, how do girls fall for this” or “what’s the point of being in a relationship if guys can learn this stuff”. Keeping an intimate partner will become a cumbersome task that will crush you on every level… and trust me, after you do it enough times, that initial ego trip you’re eager to get from it will eventually be replaced with a desire for a genuine connection…

I have countless friends who tried open relationships and polyamorous ones… never seems to work well in the long run… the key to it all is loving yourself …

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So getting to understand something on a deeper level and in more precise context is generally wrong?

I mean, keeping some illusions might seem fun, but aren’t we to evolve into something else than that?

No. It’s a trap. Because you initiate the relationship/interaction based on mercurial principles, it’s very hard to follow up something more inner game/soul polarity based. The work on the latter approach to game is longer and more demanding, while the mercurial approach gets more immediate results… however, soul work results will always be more potent. Meaning, a connection built on soul development and resonance will be difficult to break using mercurial principles, while mercurial relationships can easily fall apart because everyone can access that layer.


I was just talking about what I do within my mind, basically just being curious, of psychology, energetics, metaphysics, etc.

Wanting a relationship just bcs of wanting answers for that, is that what u meant? I didn’t mean anything like that.

The mercurial approach studies the animal aspects of consciousness, i.e instincts, dominance and hierarchies etc… luckily we are more than just that.

You can connect to a woman on a more profound level using shared experiences and uncovering hidden shades of their psyche … it’s difficult to explain but it’s basically framing it like us against the world or we are soul mates but in a real way … using actual energy techniques like activating her imagination, etc.

The subconscious will always override biological triggers if the message is planted well enough.

On an angelic layer you will just fall… because on an angelic layer sex is meaningless and/or doesn’t make sense… so technically, soul tech is the best you have…

There are ways to radiate sexual energy and amp up your aura like reciting Om Kroom Lingaya Om or Om Kamadevaya Vidmahe, Pushpabaanaay Dheemahi, Tanno Ananga Prachodayat … focusing on things that nourish your muldahara … or just resonating with seductive male examples like Hank Moody from Californication (watching him enough and then giving yourself the command, I am now like Hank Moody) and really try your best to behave as such.

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Sounds a bit like energetic social engineering lol

As long as it’s something genuine and not manipulative, it should be fine. The problem would be forcing it on someone who isn’t open to it or being disingenuous in what you’re sharing on that level … that will mostly expose you to damage.

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So for those wondering what kind of damage… you’d have a partner that increasingly obsesses over you the more you pull away, or alternatively, if they are not open to it … they will feel an extreme permanent aversion to you.

Can you use this for quick lays? Sure… but note that your Karma will be affected because you will be hacking a system using tools that do not belong to it. Sheer purposeless attraction is purely animalistic and is best dealt with using social dominance triggers through displays of high value like pre-selection, being a leader, the ability to emote, being a protector of loved ones etc.

I guess another way about it is reverse engineering what your average pheromone does. You know, as within so without, so take note of all behavioral changes you experience listening to a pheromone audio that actually gets you closer to your goal, then mimick that as much as you can to secrete the pheromone yourself. It’s kind of like the challenge or wood cutting effect, both raise testosterone because they replicate masculine behavior, and the opposite is true, higher testosterone will encourage you to challenge other men and want to perform activities that are historically treated as resource gathering.

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yea, most of PUA industry is a bunch of guys with their whole psychosexual agressive potential deeply repressed by their upbringing and early social bonds.

then they try to logically solve the puzzle of sex through repression. without their sexual & agressive drive.

which leds them to become more neurotic and slaves to pickup coaches that reinforce their repression and neurosis through complex behavioral teachings

most of what these guys need is to stop repressing their drives and become more comfortable with their sexual & agressive energy and make it conscious with their bond with others, specially women.

mystery method creator is suicidal btw.

you cannot solve sex with women through repression and ideals of masculinity and what it means to be a man. that only reinforces repression and super-ego. which is what led you to be there in the first place.

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In this thread are we assuming that girls are not sexually repressed, don’t have baggage or daddy issue or that it’s a closed system with no other sources of supply and demand where you just need to match a certain vibe and girls have no choice but to be attracted to you specifically because your sexual energy is not repressed ?

I feel like there are many assumptions when some people expose their game.

I mean, I like simplicity as much as the next guy… but does it really work ?


I just thought back on what you said, I have a question now.

Are you saying we need the Mercurial aspect + the energetic stuff to scratch that last percentage of love for a perfect score

Or you meant, we can replace the Mercurial aspect altogether ?

Like be bums, overweight, broke, living with grandma, playing dungeons and dragons all day, missing fingers and attract any type of girls no matter how pretty and popular with the genuine soul messages ?

Or is it like… limited ?

Then, are we not seeing it in real life because a. it’s rare, b. It’s not rare, but no one noticed somehow c. It takes a lot of skills, more than the mercurial stuff ?


It’s almost as if as people grow up they learn from the situations and failures. Then they start to see beyond their entitlement and understand that they have to provide some value to their partners who also have their own preferences.

Somehow, they internalize this idea that they can’t just have whatever they want because they want it or grab any girl on the spot.

Then they would look around and notice patterns, channeling their desires and bypassing the instant gratification to become man instead of boys. You know, men… who can provide a degree of safety, ressources, bonding to ladies which requires the experience and empathy to understand the psyche of women… which is not natural to males.

It’s almost as if every other civilization had rituals and preparations for men to learn a civilized mating rituals based not just on impulses and violence…

That would indeed make sense if women valued mental and emotional companionship the most and would have sex/breed with their most agreable friends.

I wonder if the data and testimonies from women supports that idea or if it’s ridiculous from a single glance at the body of knowledge humans have accumulated and their individual experience… then there must be a good reason.

Girls put in a lot of effort to look good, stay fit, be fun, look somewhat “pure” or appear “cool”, haircuts or whatever. They learn a lot of behaviors to please and attract the best males they can.
All those makeup factories and anti-aging serums.

Men do the same.

Would you tell a girl who weight 160kg, has a bald haircut and brown teeth + bad BO to stay the same but stop repressing her sexual energy body, to forget her pas experiences and common sense and then go after the men of her dream with a good joke ?

Would you bet on the tall, muscular, rich men to find her attractive and choose her for a long term monogamous relationship ?

Would that be a good advice or a cruel joke ?

I know many guys think talking politically correct advices will get them more pull with the ladies. But what about the young men learning ?

When children scratch their butthole, we tell them it’s wrong. When they put stuff they found in the street in their mouth we tell them it’s bad, it can make them sick. We tell them not to scream and cry in some places just because they feel like it. We teach children to control their emotions.

People are not magically good, progress and prosperity is rare. Peace is rare. The historical norm is poverty, war, rape. Technological progress, equality etc… all take work and conditioning.

Animal and primitive societies are the most unfair and violents. Sexual impulses left unchecked creates conflicts and tensions, then violence.

We create checks and balances and we make efforts to empathize which is different than sympathy.

All around the world, isolated societies invented religions and systems to repress their primitive sides, minimize promiscuity without talking to each others and once it failed and conflict re-emerges, they invented new religions and systems even secular ones.


problem with modern society is that it has less than 5000 years.

we had to repress everything and everyone to bring some artificial peace at the expense of our personal hell.

currently we live in a society that has an excess of authorities and repression, first there’s your parents, then there’s school, then there’s your boss, then there’s your workout rutine, then there’s your diet. it never ends really. everyone is deluded under the illusion of safety given by an abstract ruler (whatever it is, a person or a thing, or an activity). and they give their power away in the process.

unleashing our psychosexual & agressive drives is a necessary task to accomplish anything in life, good job, good relationships, etc.

most people repress stuff deep down and cannot face simple tasks because of it, their agression is reversed and turned backwards and it makes them fearful to everything and everyone. this is most people.

we have to kill our own tyler durden that’s projected elsewhere in whatever form, and recover our power to integrate it back in our intrapsychic manifestations.