How to ease money-related anxiety?

can u pls tell me how to download or how to get the audio? Im fairly new about anything and I can’t understand the site :(

One rose to another - howdy, rose994iu! :slight_smile:
welcome roses 2

Any type of anxiety related to survival and safety topics…

→ Make Amygdala Healing and Base+Sacral Chakra part of your stack.

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Welcome to the fourm!

You click the big red Add to Cart button. When the site’s software puts the item in the cart, you there’s another big red button that reads Checkout. You fill out the required fields of the Checkout page, like you would on a normal e-commerce site. You Place Your Order (another big red button).

On the next page that says Order Complete, the left hand side of the page reads “DOWNLOADS.” If you scan over a few columns, you’ll find another big red box with the file name of the product you “purchased,” in a column that’s titled “DOWNLOAD.” Click on that big red box and your file will download. That way you’ll get your audio.

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thank you so much!!!