How to eliminate toxic people

How to eliminate toxic people and the toxic thoughts that they provoke from my life and let go of toxic situations and get rid of all that negative energy charge. And how to ride the flow of the wave of good energies of life?


Raise your personal vibration.

Then you will become untouchable by many negative stuff and energies.

Also, you will manifest a reality where there are automatically less toxic people in our life.

In the beginning though, sometimes one also needs to proactively cut out toxic people from one’s life in order to raise one’s vibration and no longer be pulled down by them or be energetically drained.

…and/or Ascension Tag
…and/or VoC / VoT
…and/or Light & Vibrational Guidance


:arrow_up: I agree with Mr. Matrix. The aforementioned fields eventually clean you up (and your surroundings) in unexpected ways.

You may consider adding Armor of Light and Glory if you wish. The level of multiprotection it offers is impressive.

And the already “classics”: Outlook Retrainer and/or New Perspectives. To get back your own clean mindset without unwanted visitors and their debris in it.


I don’t believe this audio removes toxic people from your life, but after you use the audios mentioned above to change your internal/external reality, this can be used to attract more like minded people. Spiritual Growth States of Being - YouTube


That is one way to look at it, and possibly the simplest way to approach perceived toxicity for most people. Not the only way though.

  • Why do I think a person/situation is toxic?
  • Why am I allowing this perceived toxicity to affect me?

To illustrate a real life example, Brenda (of Twisted Sage) told me of an incident. There was some mold issue which affected her family, and they took meaningful action to avoid harm, based on their current perspective.

  • For example, Person A decided not to stay in that place any more.
  • Person B decided to take some medication to overcome the symptoms caused by mold.
  • Person C took supplements to strengthen her immune system to prevent any ill-effects from the mold.
  • Another energy aware family member, Person D, used some energy shields and clearing tools to rid herself of the energetic impact from mold.
  • Brenda did nothing. She just continued to remain in Heart Space which ensured several things. One, her perception was not restricted to good vs bad duality, and thereby influencing her reality in a conventional way. Two, that space of love transformed any energy that came into contact with her. Three, due to being in a space of neutrality, she (her mind, body or energetic system) was no longer polarized to react to this external entity (mold) and both were at peace with each other, neither bothering the other.

Beautiful illustration! Thank you for this story. And I love Twisted Sage!


Lovely example indeed… Definitely a less categoric approach.

Things get weathered in time as well. Exactly 10 years ago, I was dating a guy (me and my ex stories haha). Back then, and especially after the breakup, we were perceiving each other as toxic. We’ve really had hard times, all the more because we had to see each other frequently in our work/training context.

Years went by… Time has started to heal our “relationship” (in a broader sense). We went on a trip abroad together, as friends. We’ll be probably doing another trip this weekend. We’re still mutually aware of our respective flaws, our incompatibility regarding many things… but we don’t look at them as “toxic” anymore. We laugh about them and most importantly, we’re here for each other when needed. Each in our own way.

All it took was a sincere apology from the both sides. Completely sincere apology, without any “justification”.


Etheric cord cutter,. :muscle::heart:


Getting the mold removed wasn’t an option?

I think eventually they did that… but it is not always easy especially in old and large homes.

In this case, Brenda was using the example of the mold to make a larger point.


Any of the mentioned fields give permanent results?
I have been using Repel Negative Energy but i have to use it everyday for it to maintain its power.

Make this a habit for the rest of your life.

Then you will barely manifest any situations anymore where you have to deal, absorb and then afterwards repel negative energy.

Also I recommend to stop consuming news, mass media and social media BS as this is mostly full of negative energy, limiting beliefs and false assumptions – all intended to lower your vibration and keep you where you are.