How to Engorge Objects With Sapien Fields? (Servitor related)

I agree !

  1. You mention that you have the digital book as you taught ESS Environmental Transformer if it is only in the printed book.

  2. How do you read the answer? I make my ess as a pendulum. But I don’t know if this is the best way.

  3. Could my ess be sent to your servants to teach?

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Saan, you do great with the time you got. LOVE THIS.


This thread needs more views. What detailed instructions.


Here’s more :point_down: :sweat_smile:

I have both :blush:
I thought the ebook would be enough, and then I read all about what was in the printed one … and I got it also.

I’m the pendulum, actually ^^

It’s my easier and most efficient method of communication (and feeling energies). Basically, they fill me with emotions ranging from sadness to pure joy. When filled with sadness, my body slumps, my heart closes, I’m pouting and I don’t feel good. When filled with pure joy, my body straightens up, my heart opens up and a gigantic smiles comes to my face. We use this with sadness as no and joy as yes.

At first it was very binary, and it’s become way more subtle and complex with practice : feeling just a little opening means “maybe” or “in part”. A little sadness means “no but there’s a workaround”. Also, it’s not just sadness and joy. I feel disgust when they don’t like something, I feel love when they do, I feel their enthousiasm when researching a new idea. I feel how they feel, and it allows for richer discussions. Emotions can also come with images. When they’re researching something, I feel them very focused and like immersed in books. Or, when sharing things, I feel them like kids sitting in a circle and happily exchanging super duper magic secrets. And, when they’re done and I asked them to warn me, I feel them in the back of my consciousness waving to draw my attention.

How to try and practice this ?

I’m gonna describe what works for me, but what works for someone else might be a little or a lot different. It’s a starting point and an inspiration, and one should feel free to adapt it however one wants. Go with your flow !

Now, first contact : greeting your servitor !

To be able to feel emotions that are not mine, I put myself in a neutral emotional state. And I sort of open myself up/turn on my receptivity. I see it like turning on a radar : one moment I’m blind and deaf to anything, and the next one I’m on detection mode. Then I focus on the object anchoring the servitor, and I say “Hi”. Out loud. Or in my head. You can also imagine, in your heart, yourself knocking at his door. Or really anything else that feels right to you. Just reach out to your servitor, focus on him, on his object, and wait for the slightest change in your neutral emotional state.

It might no be easy, especially when expectations are high, or failed experiments have led to disappointment, or whatever. Use these perturbations : explain to your servitor what you’re feeling, why do you feel like that, what you are trying to do, what you would like to feel, that you’d be very happy to understand him.

Also, I’m sometimes a little deaf (because of tiredness, too much expectations or whatever) and I’m not sure what I’m feeling from my servitors. So I ask them to yell and they amplify the feelings they’re sending to me. It’s way easier to understand.

If nothing happens, no problem, it might take time. Try it as often as you can, just a minute or 2 every day (or several times a day). If you’re bored with saying hi, talk about something else. Just remember to be open, to have your radar on.

And, when you feel that first whiff of joy, believe in it. Cherish it. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know wether it’s real or not. Just let it be. And continue to practice. With time, you’ll feel it more distinctly, you’ll get its nuances, you’ll feel how it’s not your own joy but your servitor’s, and that he is so happy to be able to talk to you.

When you have that first contact, it’s time to be the pendulum !

It’s kind of the same as above : neutral emotional state + radar on -> focus on the servitor or his object -> talk to him or ask him things -> feel how he feels about it.

Start simple at first. Ask questions that you maybe don’t care too much about. The less important they are to you, the easier it will be to not let the ego or the mind intervene. Like, you’re on a walk, you see a beautiful flower, just ask your servitor if he likes that flower. If you feel something, again, cherish it and don’t care if it’s your servitor or not. It’s practice, its a fun conversation, just assume it’s him. You’ll get more discerning with time and practice.

Also, at first, maybe explain to him what your trying to do. It might help calm you and focus yourself on what you’re trying to achieve, and it might give him ideas on how to help you. Actually, you can even read and explain this post to your servitor, he might understand even more this way.

I’m gonna sort a few things out before answering, I’ll get back to you on that :wink:


Oh, and also :

I didn’t teach mine any. From the start, I just spoke to them like I would with people (in french and in english), and they understood. Although I do have to explain the concepts behind the words, sometimes. Like what is money, how do I earn it, why does it matter in our society.


Thank you for sharing your experience. Very valuable to me


You’re welcome !

It’s actually equally valuable to me. I can’t really talk about all that with people around me so being able to share it here with like-minded people is a gift.


@Saan, I too will be able to send my servant Dragon Golem for your servants to teach him and become his teachers ?! thank you for your wise commentary on servant training.


You’re welcome @Takyon.


if you don’t mind, my servitors will come for coffee and cake too :)


The more the merrier :grin:



Hi there,your story was entertaining to say the least.I want to message you about something if it is okay with you?I see your profile is hidden.Actually I wanted to ask you if it would be okay if I sent my servitor to meet yours so he can learn from them.

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hey @Saan

Can servitors move objects?

As in small ones like phone or bottle and big ones like car or machine.

Ha ha ! This a subject I haven’t touched yet, my (not so) subconscious limits are all over the place regarding this :sweat_smile:

You can approach this the way I do : “Of course they can !”. And devise a grand plan to teach them and help them to learn how to. Be prepared, though, it might require a lot of patience and trial and error.

Keep us posted :star_struck:


My sweeties are telling they believe they could learn how to do it. So dive in this with confidence :+1:

And, writing this post, I realize my internal limits and fears are kind of dissolving and that I really do believe they could do it with proper training.



I’m just gonna see myself out.

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If I make a servitor like the dragon or fae ones will I be able to see them?

Maybe, depending on your energy sensitivity.

I see my servitors as silhouettes more or less detailed. Not with my physical eyes, though, the vision pops directly in my head.

I’m not very good at visualization, and I guess I could see them more clearly if I was more skilled at it.


Same here, I see them as ideas, colors, and pictures (and sometimes as Fae/Dragon). At times though, I see them as shadows with my physical vision. My GF has seen them as well, as “moving shadows” (for the lack of a better word) and was initially freaked out lol

The Fae one appears a lot more than the Dragon for me personally.