How to Engorge Objects With Sapien Fields? (Servitor related)

The more the merrier :grin:



Hi there,your story was entertaining to say the least.I want to message you about something if it is okay with you?I see your profile is hidden.Actually I wanted to ask you if it would be okay if I sent my servitor to meet yours so he can learn from them.

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hey @Saan

Can servitors move objects?

As in small ones like phone or bottle and big ones like car or machine.

Ha ha ! This a subject I haven’t touched yet, my (not so) subconscious limits are all over the place regarding this :sweat_smile:

You can approach this the way I do : “Of course they can !”. And devise a grand plan to teach them and help them to learn how to. Be prepared, though, it might require a lot of patience and trial and error.

Keep us posted :star_struck:


My sweeties are telling they believe they could learn how to do it. So dive in this with confidence :+1:

And, writing this post, I realize my internal limits and fears are kind of dissolving and that I really do believe they could do it with proper training.



I’m just gonna see myself out.

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If I make a servitor like the dragon or fae ones will I be able to see them?

Maybe, depending on your energy sensitivity.

I see my servitors as silhouettes more or less detailed. Not with my physical eyes, though, the vision pops directly in my head.

I’m not very good at visualization, and I guess I could see them more clearly if I was more skilled at it.


Same here, I see them as ideas, colors, and pictures (and sometimes as Fae/Dragon). At times though, I see them as shadows with my physical vision. My GF has seen them as well, as “moving shadows” (for the lack of a better word) and was initially freaked out lol

The Fae one appears a lot more than the Dragon for me personally.


I’ve never seen mine. I have perceived them with knowingness, however. Like, by feel I know where they are, how big they are, etc.


Will the field continually be generated?

I read somewhere that servitors do not understand the concept of time.

I want to imbue an object and give it someone to help them, but I won’t be able to see the object ever again.

Can I command the servitor remotely as well?

Also, if I teach one servitor how to do all this, can I just request that he teach and the other servitors learn from him?

Hi @Beltloop,

I don’t have experience about engorging items in that manner. Saan and others would help better. However;

They do adapt to your perception of time. When you want them to accomplish a task for the next 24 hours or let’s say between 14:00 - 16:00, they understand.

I haven’t given yet a task to be continually performed but sounds possible (in the same logic as “active abilities”).

Absolutely (I do). See also Dmitrij’s first lines in this thread (post number 3).

Yes, they can learn from each other/work as teams. See for example _OM’s posts:


Can we do this without servitors? What would be the process?

This can be done without servitors. For example, just like the Captain. But for this, you will need to train a lot and for a long time. To find out how, you’d better take an energy awakening course


Perhaps a field to copy/imbue other fields into itemd would be nice.


@Saan thank you so much for this detailed guide. its much appreciated.

@saan Can i send my servitor to your servitor for learning ?

thank you

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FYI i am still in the process of creating my dragon

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I am still learning how to train the ones I have.

One is my doppelganger (who can manipulate my personal items/access my birthrights and cline itself as many times as necessary for a task; then reabsorb them all); so I can be in multiple places at once.

My manager feeds and trains them; gives them attention as well. He also learns from their adventures so they eventually know the same information (like the Tesla car fleets auto sync updates).

The Energy-based servitor teleports to Ley Lines, energy vortex centers and captures many sources of Energy (Jing, Chi, Shen, Prana, etc), then infuses me with it on command. This is my most successful servitor so far. It really helps on long drives LOL.

My Healer needs to learn how to utilize my healing fields and infuse me with their energy. It will also help my family as well.

The exercise/ gym servitor’s mission is to get me into peak shape.

The one I really need to focus on is the Money based servitor. It would enable me to have more time with my family as well.

If I can train my manager & clone, they can then train the others more effectively. I have also created a sigil to absorb lessons found in specific forum threads. I just need to remind it to filter out any negativity and learn from other members’ experiences. Next, I will teach each servitor to use the sigil to access all lessons stored within it. It will bypass its consciousness and store subconsciously. With sigil stacking, it should streamline many intentions. The whole process is a ton of work but will eventually be worth the effort!

p.s. @Saan if I send my manager + clone your way, can your Higher Self (or you directly) grant permission for them to learn from your servitors? If so, they can teach me how to more effectively work with them LOL. It seems like a fun idea! Who knows…maybe this is the beginning of a servitor retreat center? :joy: