How to handle these destructive thoughts

Was there any case where something came out to be true? May be you have a gift of knowing what is wrong with someone’s health just looking at them?

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No because these thoughts seem malicious and like they’re trying to get a reaction out of me, also that the thoughts in this particular also happen because she had her head shaved. I think it’s important to say that she’s also 1 yrs old so I’m sorry to anyone who was confused.

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1 years old (can) have (or develop) cancer…

Anyway, there is only one solution (that I see/know): “change the channel” (on something useful or positive)/ignore those thoughts, wherever they come from.

It is hard to say if you are overthinking because in this age where information overload is so much, it is quick for a brain to say when seeing somone’s head shaved as having cancer because your brain probably have not seen shaved heads a lot. But if you don’t think that is the case you can start analysing your thoughts, why that thought came in the first place, you will be able to find its genesis. It will be a good meditation practice, probably will open doors to new things.

As long you don’t think or imagine constantly about a person having a cancer, you don’t have to worry.

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Yea I think I’ll take the route of analyzing thoughts and doing something about them, and I think it is my overthinking analyzing mind that sometimes worries about the worst case scenario even though there may be no logical reason

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