How to let go of something wrong that Your close one did in the past

I’ll try. Thank You.:green_heart:

Im already starting to feel some kind of change., relief i believie I was playing fields like crazy.


Yes, I am still having the very same experience right now and it’s been months. What saves me now is also Project Mental Health. Eventually I am going to get the Blueprint of the Past to internally change my perception of the event. But I already cut that toxic person from my life 99% - 1 I left as the person is my business partner, no other way around it.


I guess i’ll think about blueprint of the past also.
Now i’m going for my emotional and mental supporter.

Thank You for your input :pray:


And smart cord cutter.


You probably already know this but alchemical revision fields, especially a blueprint of past. They revise every past experience into as if you had positive experiences which builds up your self concept.

Supplement with forgiveness field. Don’t worry too much about the wrong, as you understand the “wrong” has already happened and all you can do is accept and move on. Focus on the present moment, play ego dissolution while meditating.

I been there and all I can do is accept what has happened and be at peace with the past and improve my present moment to produce a better future. That being said, new perspective also aids this tremendously. Don’t let the world or people bring you down. Your mind is your gifted power.


Thank You.:pray:


I was thinking intensively. For first few days to analize what i deal with.

Now i kind of let that thoughts go. And started to work to solve it .


Good luck on your journey!


Thank You :green_heart:

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This one has religious connotations though.

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Ok i took most of suggestions.
That was quick.
Forgiven ,forgotten. .

Im moving on.

Ego dissolution did the best job i believie

I played almost all fields sugested and did the ritual with a strone…

Thank You :green_heart:.

I keep playing some fields to keep the good results.


That’s ok . I like to experiment.

I’ll try this field soon :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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