How to practice self love?

Hi, I have recently started my self love journey and i an firm about taking a dive deep and doing this real well, but where do i start of, what is the most basic stuff, do yall have some practical tips and do yall mind sharing how yall practice self love?

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Hi, LeGreatness.
Always use the forum search code for valuable and abundant information from our forum! Search results for 'self love' - Sapien Medicine
JAAJ's Daily Self Love Stack 🤍

I realize that you are asking how to practice, rather than just getting info about self-love. Reading the posts will give you insight into how members apply this in their lives. Also @JAAJ can help. I would also suggest looking for posts from him on self-love.

Try the stacks and see what intuitively comes to you as a practice. Many practices are totally individual. One that you create yourself would be more valuable than one another might be doing.

One suggestion is to give yourself the feeling that you believe having a healthy self-love will give. What do you feel you are missing? How would it feel if you had an abundance of self-love. Bathe in that feeling and become familiar with it. Then teach yourself how to call up the feeling at will.

Good luck with your self-love journey! :slight_smile:


He/She already reached out to me and I replied that I am willing to write a proper guide when I am being paid for doing so with a specific publically available NFT on the Sapien Shop.

Of course, others are free to reply here in this public thread as they wish and share their practices.

Well first off all you should be running some self love stack, or general self love fields

the revision of self love, become whole, quantum love etc

and then for active practices I’d recommend prioritizing yourself and your self care, like eating healthier, maybe start exercising, dressing better, going to the barber more often

also setting bounderies and not letting people shit on you

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Generally speaking… I don’t.

I don’t really invest energy into forming a self-concept. It may be that I live somewhat like an animal, mostly engaged with things that I am directly living and working with.

So I don’t really do self-love… My approach would be more of a “be the change you want to see in the world”.

Build up your energy system—And, when adversity hits, use the many resources of your body/microcosm to transform things. One simple method is to set awareness on the heart/heart chakra and breath into it. If this becomes a pattern, it can hold in most situations of life.

If your own energy fields become strong, you can bring this field everywhere in life and help to depattern the entropic behaviors/patterns that try to force themselves onto you.