Human brain during meditation

so i have been meditating since i was a teenager and i used to meditate alot but i stopped for couple of years and then get back to meditation 2 years ago from now maybe , but i meditate from time to time ( like maybe once every 3 or 4 months only when i feel that its time for it ) so what i noticed is that it is the same process that i used to it when i was a teenager to get into deep relaxing or deep meditation , but now there is sequel sometimes after getting into deep relaxing , one time i found myself with other people in historical era and litrally never seen this place or these people before , then completly shift into another era with other people and other situation , one time i started to see fast events one after another and one time i felt that i want to fall althogh im freezing in meditation sitting and my eyes were moving without compulsion to a certian angle , then i try to get it back to normal then it move again by its own after short time , one time i only saw a pic that never seen or think before , so does anyone knows whats the reason of things like this? is it the changing of the brainwave? also if someone experience something similar or strange while meditating tell me im curios to know :D


No, on the contrary, whenever I did a passive meditation or only focusing on one thing like candle flame (trataka), (are these considered meditation? Idk) I received just peace and bliss/joy, except when I once focused on my chakras and reaching Ajna/Third Eye and focusing on it, while closing my eyes, chanting ksham and seeing/imagining indigo color, suddenly a Black Dragon suddenly appeared, it was like the most teryfing image and I opened my eyes, my heart racing…

Anyway, that was like idk 2 years ago, and I just started using Sapien Medicine recently; I also do trataka and mantras and chakras work, but I have not had such an experience since then.

Edit: Shifting into another era or such things mentioned by you have not happened to me.


oh a black dragon that would be intresting i guess :sweat_smile: :smiley: btw i also feel peace and relaxed and i feel like i wieght 1 gram lol so these things happen after that ( aftet the deep relaxing )

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Who gave you this technique? chanting ksham.

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It was a morphic field / subliminal that was also supposed to connect you to your spirit guides (whatever that is).
Recently I also saw myself hanging out with a dragon in a different world/time, so… …


A healer, years ago.
Anyway, I realized that what was “Big Secrets” (I mean for thousands of years, Yoga was just for, well, Yogis, but things are changing, we are all having the taste now :grinning:) years ago are now on so many websites, it’s ridiculous, it’s no longer a secret…

Yet, they still remain High/Powerful Techniques/Methods, regardless of the fact that information is more readily available.

Edit: that healer has some Yogi friends, that’s how he learned many things from them like 30 years ago.

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