Human Control by Goverments - Prevention

indeed, to be fair i have little knowledge on the tao and the principles of the teaching.

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I’ve read some Taoist texts and books like Mantak Chia’s stuff, but not as much as I’ve read other traditions. However, the principles are Universal.
The Way of Integrity is beautiful. I enjoy the narration every time.




I wanted to do a few more

actually those i thought would be the best for the device,
you know
spiritual discourses
guided meditations etc.

I usually listen to the person speak a bit, before i write the script, so it matches their natural speech manners and patterns.
Like this guy,


Yeah it would be fitting. Would def love some more of those in general. Hearing the concepts spoken while simultaneously integrating the energies of the field itself is powerful.

That’s the guy from the Dream Seeds videos right?




We’re still allowed to spout nonsense aren’t we ? Lol

I claimed my right

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I enjoyed it.


There are also the layers of the collective subconscious mind and collective vibration.
So the more you change your own beliefs (that other’s then subconsciously download from you) and your vibration (by which others are then affected by) the more you are influencing everyone else around you to also make different choices.

This cannot be solved by a benevolent AI leadership, because AI can never acquire real consciousness and qualia. This change of consciousness and vibration has to really come from the souls in the bodies.

And then, many people also have incarnational life plans that have a min-max range of possible vibration and experiences because their Higher Selves want to collect certain experiences.

Besides that, from a strict materialistic point of view, communism would only work if all the work is done by technology. Because otherwise, humans won’t work without an incentive. That’s why capitalism has always won in the long run – it is basic human nature to go for the incentive. The incentive is either there or it is not – no socialist economic plan can replace this.