This is what you’re claiming I stole:
Your script, something that after your first big emotional explosion completely deleted, stopped using, and had my servitors delete it from their abilities.
The time I shared the EoT script to the group which you took as me back stabbing you and genuinely shared with them so that they had a different option other than Satori protocol
Now with created the EoT Field and sharing with one person that had already paid you. A field that was protected and only those I specifically assigned could use. Something I did in private without looking for any monetary compensation.
You are using these three occasion believing and making others believe a narrative that is purely false.
Using that narrative to also say that something that you do not have the capacity to create which is why you said the comment “this is what I wanted to create” when I showed you the field also something you told me that couldn’t be done, to then create a false claim.
Because again, there’s nothing on the Freedom Course nor the Light Collapser that is of your influence especially now that I want nothing to do with you.