I apologise to Sapien and Sam for what I did

This is copy of the message I sent to Samm but he didnt reply so I am doing it this way hoping he or Dream will see it.I won`t name him here but a close friend and member advised me to post this here.
Dear SapienMed/Dreamweaver,Sam
First of all I want to say I am truly grateful for the work you do and after your sinus drainage yt video allowed me to breathe clearly for the first time in 22 years since I was born,I bought your patreon.
Subliminal and morphic field maker Thomas which you have probably heard of,decided to delete his patreon,yt channel and everything.2 days before he did it I bought his patreon just so I can download his morphic fields amplifier in wav quality.After he deleted everything,few of his Patreons made a discord group and invited his ex Patreons so the group stays together.Then I saw someone uploaded your epsilon,theta and delta audios for free,which I honestly wanted to buy,but too pricey for my budget.
I am 22 year old student from a poor country(Bosnia and Herzegovina),and I was so grateful for the uploaded files I felt I needed to return back to the community by sharing your mindset album which people desperately requested,and anxiety album.At the time group was small so I didnt think it would be a big deal. Then your partner Sam was added,and then I again checked and saw there are surprisingly more members than before,contacted the admins, and after some discussion it was decided that the channel with links will be locked for everyone.I understand how this looks from your perspective,admins do also,we didnt take this seriously from the start.Day or 2 after Sam joined group, I cant remember since it was long ago,the channel with links has been locked for everyone except me and 2 other admins.I will continue supporting you on patreon since that is all I can do currently.I am working on myself(fields related to intelligence,hairloss and wealth so I can begin working as developer and rent my own place while going to uni,since situation with parents is bad to say the least),and many of your fields helped me immensely.Honestly when I listen to hemisphere sync audio sometimes I tear up because of pure gratitude towards you. I know that as a god tier psychic you can check if my story is true and my personal situation in life,which I wont go into now.On behalf of the admins,and moderators I deeply apologise.Namaste for all the work you do.
Edit:at the time of writting posting this results have came and my brain power has increased drastically I can follow maths class way better,I bought your Magician 1.0 and that audio really helped nudge situations in my favor.Your audios have done so much for me besides the stuff I listed.I have managed to persuade my dad to use your audio for anxiety and in time I am sure he will use others to fix his flaws and gains more confidence just as I have thanks to ur hairloss and stem cell to scalp audios.Once again thank you for changing my life and helping me improve parts of myself I otherwise couldnt have.Namaste


Ti si iz Bosne? Ja sam iz Srbije :grinning:


Hahahahahaha ima li još nekog možda iz Bosne ili Srbije ili Hrvatske lol…Balkanu ima li te?! :sweat_smile:


Ima nas dosta :)


No need to apologize man. I don’t get mad at people for downloading our content that was shared. It happens. I would just rather it not happen lol. So if I notice it, I’m gonna say something. But we don’t take it personal. I understand why people do that.

An apology is an apology though. All is forgiven my friend :slight_smile:


Great class to also write this message publicly


I am finally at peace man.Namaste :pray:


Opaaa,nisam ocekivao da ce se braca Balkanci odazvati,iskreno me zanima koliko nas je iz Bosne,posto se osjecam kao da sam jedini bukvalno


E brate,mogu li te dodati,ne vidim opciju za poruke?

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I dalje pise profile hidden.Mozda je lakse da i mene probas dodati?

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Ima nas dosta ovde :slightly_smiling_face:


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Hi sammmy can i buy your plasma protocol? I couldnt pm u

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Welcome to the Forum! And thanks for wanting to get your fields directly from the creator.

Plasma Protocol was removed from the market and has been replaced by The Plasma Flaunt, which you can buy directly from Sapien using the link in the first post of that thread.


I need some fields can i pm u? I will write down fields what i want to buy

No, I’m not a member of the Sapien team.

You need to PM SammyG. If you can’t PM him (because you’re a new member), then post a message in the Temporary Invoicing for Gum’s Med Fields thread.