I bought the positive vibes

i bought the positive vibes from gumroad but there are two mp3 files. Which one is the one for mz environment? or do they both have the same effects?

thanks in advance :grinning:

I did not know there were two files.
When I bought it, there was only one file.
Is one about 45 min long and the other about 16 min long?
The 45 min one should have music.
Does the 16 min one have a rain sound? That should be the shorter version.
They both have the same effects, for your environment, if that is the case.


i have a 47 minute one and a 43 minute one

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I have the 47 min one with music as well. Iā€™m not sure about the 43 min one, does it sound like rain?


the 43 minute one is with rain. Is that the silen version?

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Yes, that should be the other, quieter version.
Both versions have the same effect.