I just found out my girl got rap*d (I need help)


This is gonna be a long post, but if you ever take some of your precious time to hear me out I am eternally grateful for you, so thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I am in need of expert advice.

I have been a user in this forum for a while but for privacy purposes I decided to make a new account, this forum and it’s people has changed my life in many ways and first and foremost I would like to thank you all.

I have been with my girlfriend for almost two years, and our love is extremely strong, we have been through so much and nothing has stopped us from being together,

We had problems sexually and sometimes she does stuff I don’t understand, but today I found out that she had been sexually assaulted by a family member, the pain and shock that I am feeling is disgusting, I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

She was 14 at the time and thankfully she is still a virgin so I think she can still heal from this, only happened several times (I don’t know the full details nor do I want to), she is now 20 so I met her when she was 18.

I also found out that she has a (Jinn lover) attached to her, in islamic terms it is where basically a jinn is attached to you and loves you, she feels that someone is with her every night, she also has sexual nightmares sometimes especially when I ask her to do anything sexual with me, which is completely normal in my opinion (at the time I didn’t know this happened to her). She has gone through huge trauma and she is still suffering from it.

She is also very energy sensitive, she listened to etheric cord cutter once and she told me that she saw herself flying and cut 7 cords of her belly, which shows me that fields work instantly on her which is good, she felt better instantly, she doesn’t know about this forum but she has done some energy work before, I would only assume that the authors are not as good as dream, in fact I am sure of it.

My question is, considering her situation with what happened to her and the jinn lover, what audios should I give her? And what advice should I give her? Please if you took the time to read this, I would be eternally grateful for any advice, I want her to heal from everything she has been through, I am also the only person who knows what happened to her which shows me that she is very scared to lose me, and how hard it has been for her to tell me the truth.

After all this she started hating herself, and her body. (she is extremely beautiful, like anime type body), but this has gotten her into many problems unfortunately…

Can she heal from this? Is there a way for her to remove the jinn in her?

So please if you have any advice on how I can make her heal through all of this I will never forget the kindness you show me.

Thanks again for reading this.


bhoot pret nivaran field might help.

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Sorry to hear about this but please mask the r word with * it is very difficult to read.

She needs a lot of fields for different things. She needs to ensure the djinn’s hold on her goes away and her energy body gets strengthened along with her trauma from the assault gets healed. All this won’t happen with one or two fields it needs hours of stacks.

For getting rid of djinn:

  1. Negative Entity / Bad Spirit / Demonic Removal from YT (3x to 6x)
  2. Voodoo Detangled (3x to 6x)
  3. Booted Bhoots (3x to 6x)
  4. Etheric cord cutter or Smart Cord Cutter or both (3x to 6x)
  5. Clear all Negative Energy and Entity Removal (3x to 6x)
  6. Repel Negative Energy ver 2.0 (3x to 6x)
  7. If she is a believer she can recite the appropriate verses from Quran several times in a day

For trauma see which fields would help her from this post - Healing from past life trauma and parents bullying - #2 by Kalacakra

For improving the energy body:

  1. Auric and Energy Body Repair (3x)
  2. Energy Blockage Removal (3x)
  3. Your Energetic Being (3x to 6x)
  4. Mandelbrot Symphony (1x)
  5. Plasmafied Near Infrared Chakras (3x to 6x)

She is a believer and she is reciting the appropriate verses of the Quran daily, she is very religious actually,

I have censored the word due to your request.

Thank you so much for the reply, you have no idea how much this means to me :heart:


First of all, I sympathize with you. As for the girl, if I were you, I would introduce her to this forum. Let her visit the beginners’ zone, YouTube, go through different topics to her taste. If this resonates with her, then we can talk about specific fields. In any case, for the fields to have the maximum effect on her, she must accept them consciously, understanding what is being discussed.


Appreciate it, thank you :heart:

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I would recommend Shielding 3.0, which you can buy from the sales thread. Djinn are very stubborn entities, so shielding will ensure they don’t dare to come back. Also, consider using the Vibration of Creation field. You can ask for help from higher beings, such as using the Intercession field or Angels field.

Be aware that after a Djinn leaves, they can become enraged and influence events that might put you, your family members, or others in dangerous situations. Backlash is a real possibility, so stay vigilant.

Alternatively, you can visit the Etherforge shop for the Aegis ability. Djinn can be a real pain, and if the Djinn is particularly powerful, even an exorcist may face consequences.
Or combined all the above I can guarantee you even their haka will not dare to touch your gf…


We’ll wishes to you and your girlfriend, it’s really kind of you to help her out in any way you can. :heart:

What’s she’s been through is horrible, but given what you’ve said, she’s a strong person, and I’m glad you guys have each other!

  1. Revision of Sexual Trauma on the patreon premium seems like a priority. So you could look into that (I think if I get the protections right, she might have to sign up on patreon herself for it), and the other Alchemical Revision series

  2. Repel Negative Entities, St. Michael, Energy Shielding, Angelic Intercession, and any other protective fields you can play for her.

  3. The new Mind Program series (Non Judgemental Acceptance, Being of Beauty and Innocence, Blossoming Abundance) could also be helpful

That’s all I know off, but I hope these can help!

Take care both of you!



(inner beauty reflected outwards and st. michael if she is okay to carry an image)


Words cannot describe how grateful I am for your replies, thank you so much! :heart:

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Thanks a lot :heart:

Thank you for the advice :heart:

I’m in a similar situation. My partner’s favourite field always was the environmental vibration raiser. And another one she commented very positively on was amygdala healing and fear release.

That wouldn’t be my recommendation as it could make things worse. But it really helped her.

I’d add sexual revision but she never wanted to use it. I think that’s better than fear release, but this was her experience so just leaving this here.

She was the happiest I’ve seen her when using that field (amygdala healing + fear release).

There are going to be very few people qualified for this, and I’d make sure whoever was the best, as it can do more damage or simply it’s not the best possible outcome if not. But I’d see if I could find a hypnotherapist that can handle all this (one that takes jinns seriously and isn’t just “adapting to the patient’s belief system”). Some can deal with both the trauma and entities.

Everyone else advice was good too, I’d follow it.

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This is also good for allround clearing

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I would also add Soul Core Restoration

Thank you❤️

Will this remove the trauma as well? I think that is her biggest issue right now.

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Will look into it, thanks :slight_smile:

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This will be more specific for that

If she’s open to the idea of servitors, I’d recommend the Phoenix Sage. It’s great for healing and “rising from the ashes” and I’ve personally found the servitors to be exceptional. I think they could also help protect her from entities.