I’m confused

sorry i am very new so im confused… i learned about “Mandalas” and how to use them, but now, what are NFTs? why is it for sale and why does it need to bought when they already put up a picture of it? what lmao i am so confused. and also, do you use them like a mandala? just set it as ur phone wallpaper or print it or smth then it will work?

and yea im gonna charge my phone XD

WellBeing already answered your questions that u posted 18 min ago.

Forum search NFT
Use the magnifying glass
Search & Get results> About 5 down
Start reading


When you read the threads to which you’ve already been referred, you’ll learn that, unlike the mandalas, the NFTs only work for those people who actually own the NFT token for that piece of art. For everyone else, it’s simply a pretty picture.


The F in NFT stands for fungible, meaning, replaceable.

Since it’s non fungible, it’s not replaceable. For instance, your clothes are replaceable, but the Mona Lisa isn’t, because it’s the original.

So these NFTs are “originals” and the token is effectively referring to your ownership of the NFT.

Only an owner receives the associated benefits, so only if you buy it are you an owner.

You could still print the picture without being an owner and it would still be a pretty picture, but since you’re not the owner, you won’t have the benefits.


You explained this so easy and beautifully im gonna link it in the posts about NfTs. I mean it cant get clearer thant this :slight_smile:


DAAAMNNN thank you for making this easier😭 ok i see that sounds great fr