I need help or advice

I been listening to subliminals for 2 years now i stopped them started listening to fields i never got any results from both and over the year that made me really obsessive with both of them depending on them to change my life becoming obsessive with them has made my mental health worsen i have major anxiety i seek validation from males (pls don’t judge) i lack a lot of self love for myself i also lack patience and consistency when it comes to listening i expect results right away bc other ppl get there results before and that makes me anxious and also listening to my playlist makes me anxious and ruins my mood idk if it working i been trying to listen to my playlist consistent now bc it switch up fast when i feel like its not working i listened to a lot of subliminals and fields i dont know if thats the problem maybe my mind has had enough pls help!!!

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Hi @Kay1

Welcome KY and The Star

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Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

If you use the search function, you’ll find that pretty much all the points you’ve listed contribute to the fact that you achieve slow results.

There’s probably a lot of work to do for you. But that’s okay. Many here have achieved that.

For now I recommend you start listening to this:

Consistently! Very important!
That means daily use, at least 3 times.
No excuses! You must slowly train your mind to go towards abundance.

There’s lots more and you’ll receive more advice here shortly. Ask more questions if needed. You can do this!


I don’t speak for everyone here but many of us have dealt with similar “demons”. Your nervous system can easily be overwhelmed by too many fields. Maybe reduce to 1-3 fields?
If stress is an issue, try some of the ones aiming for relaxation. Lack of self love, it’s just so common.

There is so much available here to help you. Spending time in nature, breathing, having a bath, taking up crochet or other hobbies. Avoiding social media and toxic people helps too.

Very easy to feel fields (at least for me): Emotional Release, Gravitational Love Wave, and Five Elements Balanced.

My stack is ego dissolution
Ethric cord cutter
Subconscious limts removel ver 3.0
Become whole self acceptance
Detachment growth
11th power

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Try some relax fields first then followed with ego dissolution or just choose one or two max.

Utter Relaxation and Muscle Massage

Vagus Nerve Stimulation (Energetically Programmed Audio) also very good to put you at ease first.

Look into JAAJ’s Daily Self Love Stack 2024 :white_heart: to work on self love too :yellow_heart:


We can tell you about sapienmed fields, but it appears that you are using at least one that is not. It is impossible to tell what might happen when you mix creators, especially since “11th power” appears to be a booster. SM fields do not need to be boosted, so I would eliminate that one until you are feeling more stable.


You sound pretty overwhelmed, but you also desire change.

I would pare way down. Focus on ONE change in a way in which you’re affirming you already have the change.

If the opposite appears then do your best to ignore it or soothe yourself about it.

But focus on just one thing. Then when that’s better, accept it as the new reality (don’t undo your results with old patterns) and then focus on the next thing.


So what are some fields i can use for overstimulation?

Would probably just take a break

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I have taken breaks before like weeks of not listening

Are you able to meditate?

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